Dr Reckeweg R 54 Drops is useful in Disturbances in cerebral function, weakness of memory. Faulty spiritual development of school-children, indifference, lassitude exhaustion. Improves memory power, helps in clearing brain fags, clears confusion of mind, helps children who are forgetful while studying.
Anacardium: Specific action in weakness of memory. Loss or weak memory after small pox and chicken pox. Impaired memory, Absent mindedness and Senile Dementia. The patient is depressed and irritable.
Arsenicum album: Helpful in cerebral anaemia, stimulant for cellular function. Anaemia and chlorosis. The memory is weak and lacks courage. General sensibility increased. Sensitive to disorder and confusion.
Belladonna: useful in In cerebral congestion. Loss of memory with hyperaesthesia in all senses.
Gelsemium: In vertigo, Dullness, languor, listless. General prostration with Dizziness, drowsiness, dullness and trembling. Slow pulse, feeling of tiredness, mental apathy. Bad effects from fright, fear, exciting news.
Kalium phosphoricum: General tonic of the cerebral function. Excellent nutritive remedy for nerves. Prostration. Mental breakdown due to enormous mental exertion with nervousness and over-sensitivity.
Lycopodium: Very effective in irregularities in the development of children, it influences on the detoxicating function of the liver.
Sepia: Against exhaustion and morosity. Dreads to be alone, very sad. General prostration. Dizziness, drowsiness, dullness and trembling. Slow pulse, tired feeling and mental apathy.
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