Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic multisystem, inflammatory disorder that may affect many tissues and organs, but mainly attacks the joints producing an inflammatory synovitis.
STAGE- I (Pre- Clinical)
STAGE- II (Synovial)
STAGE- III (Destruction)
STAGE- IV (Deformity)
Clinical Features:
Repertorial Analysis of Rheumatoid arthritis from BBCR
Common Homoeopathic Medicines
Common Name: Poison-ivy
It mainly acts on fibrous tissues like those around the joints and is used to treat joint stiffness and pain in joints and rheumatic pains. It is also used to treat problems arising from lifting heavy weight or strains.
Symptoms are aggravated at night and on lying on the back or right side. Cold and humid weather also worsens the symptoms. The patient feels better on stretching their limbs, moving about, and with warm applications.
Common Name: Marsh-tea
It is mainly indicated in rheumatic diseases and joint pain.
Symptoms are relieved by soaking the feet in cold water but worsen from the heat of bed.
Common Name: Wild hops
It is indicated for stitching, tearing type of pain which worsens when the patient keeps moving around and gets better with rest. The patients experience rheumatic pains and swellings with inflammatory effusions in the synovial membranes.
Symptoms worsen in the morning, with exertion, slight motion, and while eating, while they improve with rest, and on lying on the painful side
Common Name: Honey-bee
Patients have stinging pain, oedema, and are unable to bear the slightest touch.
These symptoms worsen in the afternoon, touching or putting pressure on the affected area, and after sleeping, whereas they improve on bathing with cold water and spending time in open air.
Common Name: Deadly nightshade
It mostly acts on the nervous system and relieves symptoms such as pain and convulsions.
These symptoms aggravate in the afternoon, on lying down and on touching the affected area, but improve when the patient sits in a semi-erect position.
Common Name: Phosphate of lime
These symptoms aggravate in cold and humid weather but improve in dry and warm atmosphere.
Common Name: Rue-bitterwort
It mainly acts on cartilages and the periosteum and is indicated for the treatment of conditions arising from strain in the flexor tendons.
All the symptoms worsen in cold and humid weather and on lying down.
Common Name: Blue cohosh
It acts on small joints
Common Name: Wind flower
These symptoms aggravate in the evening, after eating, from heat and lying on the painless or left side, whereas they improve on with movement, on having cold food and drinks, and on spending time in open air.
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