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Understanding Mpox (Monkeypox): Causes, Transmission, Stages, and Prevention

Understanding Mpox (Monkeypox): Causes, Transmission, Stages, and Prevention

Mpox also known as Monkeypox is a disease caused by virus, called as Monkeypox virus. This virus is a part of the same family as the virus that causes Smallpox. The virus that causes Mpox has been found in small Rodents, Monkeys and other Mammals. Mpox is a Zoonotic Disease that is it can be spread between animals and people. People with Mpox often get a rash, along with other symptoms. The rash will go through several stages, including scabs, before healing. Mpox is not related to chickenpox.

How it Spreads ?

It spreads Primarily by Animal Bites, Scratches typically by Rodents. It can also spread by Consumption of Bush Meat.

It can also transmit from Direct contact with infectious skin or other lesions such as in the mouth or on genitals.

Disease Progression


Stage I- Incubation

Duration: 5-21 Days

Virus present in bloodstream (Viremia) at the end of the Incubation Period.

Stage II- Febrile Stage

Duration: 1-4 Days

Virus is still present in blood. Symptoms present are:

  • Fever
  • Swollen Lymph Nodes
  • Headache
  • Chills
  • Malaise
  • Sore throat
  • Small lesions in the mouth appear towards the end

Stage III- Rash Stage

Virus is Now present in skin lesions. The Antibodies are produced and becomes detectable.

The stage of rash:

Macule à Papule à Vesicle à Pustule à Crust

Stage IV- Recovery

The patient has now recovered but scars may remain. Specific antibodies are present in the blood.

Monkeypox and Other Rash Illnesses



  • Vaccination: The smallpox vaccine is also effective against mpox.
  • Homoeopathic Preventive Medicine: Variolinum 200 is suggested as a preventive for symptoms caused due to Mpox infection. Consult your homoeopathic Physician for medical advise before taking the medicine.
  • Avoid contact: Avoid close contact with people who are sick or have a rash.
  • Good hygiene: Practice good hygiene, such as washing hands frequently and avoiding touching your face.
  • Safe sex practices: Use condoms and other safe sex practices.
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