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Homeopathy Medicine for Hernia

Hermia is a condition in which part of an organ is displaced and protrudes through the wall of the cavity containing it (often involving the intestine at a weak point in the abdominal wall).

Commonly used Homeopathic medicine for Hermia are Aconite, Aesculus Hip, Aurum Met, Calcarea Carb, Calcarea Phos, Granatum, Hydrocotyle, Lycopodium, Magnesium Mur, Nux Vomica, Plumbum Met, Sepia, Staphysagria etc.

Commonly used Homeopathic products for Hermia are Dr. Advice No. 51, HC-41 Alteris Complex, Alpha DP etc.

Homeopathy Medicine for Hernia

Buy Online Homeopathic Medicines for Hernia

Buy Homeopathic medicines online from eMedicineHub and get rid of Hernia. Take Homeopathy consultation and treatment Hermia of long duration or any other issue from our experts online.

Hernia Causes and Symptoms

  • Hernia Causes:
  • Chronic coughing or chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD)
  • Strenuous exercise or lifting heavy weights
  • Pregnancy, especially having multiple pregnancies
  • Constipation, which causes strain when having a bowel movement
  • Obesity
  • Ascites/ fluid build up
  • Any Surgery
  • Hernia Symptoms:
  • Bulge or lump in the affected area
  • Pain or discomfort in the affected area
  • Nausea & Vomiting
  • Weakness and pressure in the abdomen
  • Feeling of heaviness in the abdomen
  • A burning/gurgling /aching sensation
  • Heartburn
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