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Homeopathy Medicine for Peptic Ulcers

Peptic ulcers are open sores that develop on the inside lining of your stomach and the upper portion of the small intestine. 

Gastric ulcers that occur on the inside of the stomach

Duodenal ulcers that occur on the inside of the upper portion of your small intestine (duodenum)

To avoid Gastric ulcers and acidity avoid alcohol and caffine, citrus juices, hot spicy foods. Eat small meals at shorter intervals about 6 times a week and do not eat immediately before going to bed.

Homeopathy Medicine for Peptic Ulcers

Commonly used Homeopathic medicine for Peptic Ulcer are Aluminium Phos, Anacardium, Argentum Nitricum, Arsenic Album, Graphites, Kalium Bichromatum, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Robinia, Uranium Nitricum etc.

Commonly used Homeopathic products for Peptic Ulcer are Adel 16, Dr. Advice No. 180 Ulcerin Drops, Drox 8 Duodul Drops, A44 Hyperaciditu and ulcer, A55, Alpha DP etc.

Buy Online Homeopathic Medicines for Peptic Ulcer

Buy Homeopathic medicines online from eMedicineHub and get rid of Peptic Ulcer. Take Homeopathy consultation and treatment for Peptic Ulcer of long duration or any other issue from our experts online.

Peptic Ulcer Causes & Symptoms

  • Peptic Ulcer Causes:
  • Helicobacter pylori bacteria
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) 
  • Alcohol
  • Spicy Food
  • Peptic Ulcer Symptoms:
  • Vomiting or vomiting blood — which may appear red or black.
  • Dark blood in stools, or stools that are black or tarry.
  • Trouble breathing.
  • Feeling faint.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Unexplained weight loss.
  • Appetite changes.
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