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Homeopathy Medicine for Respiratory System

Homoeopathy Works wonders on Lungs and the whole Respiratory System. Taking Homeopathic medicines for disease likes Cold, cough, Breathlessness, Tonsilitis, Sinusitis, Asthma, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, COPD etc shows quick results and no side effects. Taking Homeopathic Medicines reduces the Recurrence and intensity of the Problem.

Commonly used Homeopathic Medicines for Respiratory System are: Aconite, Bryonia, Spongia, Drosera, Aspidosperma, Diptherinum, Kli Bichrom, Arsenic Alb, Blatta Orientalis, Rumex, Hepar Sulph, Allium Cepa, Argentum Nitricum, Causticum, Belladonna, Antim Tart, Carbo Veg, Dulcamara, Eupatorium Perf, Justicia Adhatoda, Kali Carb, Lycopodium, Senega, Stannum Met, Phosphorus, Mercurius Sol, Vanadium, Veratrum Album etc.

Homeopathy Medicine for Respiratory System

Commonly used Homeopathic Products for Respiratory System are B49, B50, B57, R57, R48, Astha Aid, Dr. Advice No. 83, Dr. Advice No. Dyspone-cin, R24, Adel 32, Alpha RC, BICO 32 Tuberculosis, Kof aid, Koffez syrup, Aller aid, A35, Astharex Syrup, Asthamin, V33, A45, R49, Aller Kure, R88, Dr. Advice No. 73 Nasal Polyp, Bio-Combination 5, B33, R9, R8, Tonsil aid, Bio Combination6, AF- Tablet, Stobal etc.

Take Homeopathy consultation and treatment for Respiratory Complaints of long duration or any other issue from our experts online.

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