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Homeopathy Medicine for Warts

Wart is a small, noncancerous growths appear when your skin is infected with one of the many viruses of the human papillomavirus (HPV) family. The virus triggers extra cell growth, which makes the outer layer of skin thick and hard in that spot.

Homeopathy Medicine for Warts

Commonly used Homeopathic medicine for Warts are Acid Nitricum, Anacardium Occidentalis, Antim Crudum, Ova Testa, Aurum Muraticum, Dulcamara, Ferrum Picricum, Carbo Animalis, Causticum, Cinnabaris, Thuja Occidentalis, Acidum Phosphoricum, Sabina, Acidum Salicyclic, Calcarea Flour, Castor equi, Natrum Carb, Sarsaparila, Ruta, staphysagria, Sulphur etc.

Commonly used Homeopathic products for Warts are R17, Adel 40, Adel 86, Warts & Corn Drops, Wart Aid, A31 Warts Drops, Warto Plus Tablet, DeWarts Oinrment, Silk n Stay Soap, Watex, Topi Thuja, Blooume 77 Warts Salbe Ointment, Wartilex Tablets, Warto Plus Drops etc.

Buy Online Homeopathic Medicines for Wart

Buy Homeopathic medicines online from eMedicineHub and get rid of wart. Take Homeopathy consultation and treatment for warts of long duration or any other issue from our experts online.

Wart Symptoms:

  • Small, fleshy, grainy bumps
  • Flesh-colored, white, pink or tan
  • Rough to the touch
  • Sprinkled with black pinpoints, which are small, clotted blood vessels
  • Numerous small smooth flat lesions on skin
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