Bone Pains, Heel Pain, Muscle Pains, Gouty Swellings on Body, Headache, Fever & Dengue
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Common Name: Boneset
Family: Compositae
Known as "Bone-set", from the prompt manner in which it relieves pain in limbs and muscles that accompanies some forms of febrile disease, like malaria and influenza. Eupatorium acts principally upon the gastro-hepatic organs and bronchial mucous membrane. The leading characteristic is VIOLENT ACHING, BONE BREAKING PAINS. Muscles of chest, back and limbs feel bruised, sore aching It affects the liver producing bilious effects. Patient is restless, chilly and nauseated. Colds. Influenza. Dengue. Sluggishness of all organs and functions. Useful in broken down constitutions of inebriate. Weakness. It is a boon in miasmatic districts, along rivers, marshes, etc, and in all conditions where there is a great deal of bone-pain. Cachexia from old chronic, bilious intermittents. Worn-out constitutions from inebriety. Sluggishness of all organs and functions. Bone-pains, general and severe. Soreness. Marked periodicity
Known as "Bone-set", from the prompt manner in which it relieves pain in limbs and muscles that accompanies some forms of febrile disease, like malaria and influenza. Eupatorium acts principally upon the gastro-hepatic organs and bronchial mucous membrane. The leading characteristic is VIOLENT ACHING, BONE BREAKING PAINS. Muscles of chest, back and limbs feel bruised, sore aching It affects the liver producing bilious effects. Patient is restless, chilly and nauseated. Colds. Influenza. Dengue. Sluggishness of all organs and functions. Useful in broken down constitutions of inebriate. Weakness. It is a boon in miasmatic districts, along rivers, marshes, etc, and in all conditions where there is a great deal of bone-pain. Cachexia from old chronic, bilious intermittents. Worn-out constitutions from inebriety. Sluggishness of all organs and functions. Bone-pains, general and severe. Soreness. Marked periodicity
Take 15 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician
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