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Adel 27 (Inflamyar) (20 ml)

Adel 27 (Inflamyar) (20 ml)

Beneficial in sports injury ,sprains ,bruises, muscle strains & sciatica


₹310 ₹285
8.06 %off
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Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:             Drops

Weight:          60 (gms)

For the treatment of acute and chronic inflammation; sports injuries; sprains; bruises; muscle strains and sciatica.

ADEL 27 (INFLAMYAR) drops treat rheumatic, arthritic and inflammatory conditions topically to greatly ease pain and bring quick relief to afflicted patients – all without the side-effects of chemical drugs. Other conditions effectively treated by ADEL 27 drops include myalgia, contusion, hematoma, torticollis, tendovaginitis, epicondylitis, myogelosis, meniscopathia, neuralgia, lumbago, hip pain (sciatica), bursitis and intercostal neuralgia. In addition to treating chronic conditions effectively, ADEL 27 drops are invaluable for healing traumatic sports injuries, such as
sprains, bruises, and ligament strain. Although the ointment is normally rubbed on to the affected area, it may be advantageous at times to generously apply it to a bandage or gauze to maximize efficacy.

Arnica montana traditionally has been considered an essential substance for healing wounds since classical times. It is THE regulatory substance in relieving hematoma and has been used successfully to treat muscle and joint rheumatism and bursitis. This substance also is indicated in cases where the skin or joints are extremely sensitive to the touch, and when the veins in the hands are expanded. Cold hands indicate an unequal distribution of blood in the body – as in cases of arthritis and rheumatism and Arnica is the remedy of choice to treat this condition.

Bellis perennis is a highly effective substance that stimulates circulation in the capillaries to help improve myalgia-arthritis conditions with accompanying pain. In addition, it helps heal contusions and hematoma resulting from injuries and improves circulation to speed the healing process.

Bryonia cretica provides pain relief and promotes healing activity in the muscles, connective tissues, tendons and joints (articular capsule). It addresses tearing and stabbing-type pains and is indicated in joint and muscle rheumatism. It also helps relieve red, swelling conditions and gout.

Guaiacum helps treat shortened tendons, neuralgia, neuritis, tendonitis, gout and rheumatic pains in all joints. It also is an excellent therapeutic substance for relieving Polyarthritis rheumatic.

Ledum palustre combats rheumatic pain, stiffness when exposed to cold, numbness when at rest, and gout symptoms such as swollen, inflamed balls of the feet. The local application also addresses lymphatic inflammation.

Rhus Toxicodendron is indicated for the treatment of rheumatic symptoms, including joint and muscle pain, lumbago, sciatica, brachial neuritis, and tendovaginitis. Suppression of diseases with chemical drugs, including skin conditions, can play a role in the development of chronic symptoms, and this substance addresses any underlying toxic burden.

Ruta graveolens has a similar effectiveness profile to Arnica. It is specifically indicated for the treatment of hematoma, contusions, and numbness of the knee and legs. It improves circulation in the afflicted areas and eliminates the venous blockage.

Viscum album is indicated for the treatment of rheumatic spasms. This substance treats vessels and congestive developments throughout the entire body. It also is indicated for the treatment of acute and chronic conditions involving tearing, pulling pain, inflammation, and irritation of the nerves, such as torticollis and intervertebral disk damage with anomalies in warmth regulation.

  • Adults – 15–20 drops, 3 times a day in 1/4 Cup of water  or as prescribed by the Physician
  • Children – 7–10 drops, 3 times a day in 1/4 Cup of water  or as prescribed by the Physician

ADEL 3 (apo-HEPAT drops) – Liver function
ADEL 4 (apo-RHEUM drops) – Soft tissue rheumatism
ADEL 87 (apo-INFEKT drops) – Cleans up by-products of infections

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