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Adel Absinthium30 CH (10 ml)

Adel Absinthium 30 CH (10 ml)

Delirium, Nervous Excitement, Sleeplessness & Fits


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                     Drops

Common Name:   Common Wormwood.

Family:                   Compositae

A perfect picture of epileptiform seizure is produced by this drug. Nervous tremors precede attacks. Sudden and severe giddiness, delirium with hallucinations and loss of consciousness.  Cerebral irritation, hysterical and infantile spasms come within range of this remedy. Poisoning by mushrooms. Chorea.The convulsions are preceded by trembling; the patient makes grimaces; bites tongue; foams.The characteristic is "a peculiar vertigo on rising, with a tendency to fall backward." In a case of epileptoid vertigo, signs of constant cerebral and spinal congestion; nausea and tendency to frequent vomiting, persistent tremors; epileptoid attacks of hysterical character and opisthotonos, Tremor is a marked feature of the remedy: tremor of tongue; of heart. Sudden and severe giddiness, epileptiform seizures, delirium with hallucinations, and loss of consciousness. For some time after the attack there is loss of memory. The giddiness and epileptiform attacks are the most important of the symptoms. There is exhilaration followed by horrible delirium; patient obliged to walk about. Patient walks about in distress, seeing all sorts of demons. Sleeplessness; typhoid with congestion of base of brain. It corresponds to nervousness, excitement, and sleeplessness in children.

Sleeplessness. Forgetful. Epilepsy. Nervous excitement. cerebral irritation. Hysterical and infantile spasm. Brain, congestion of. Chlorosis. Dyspepsia. Epilepsy.Otorrhoea. Restlessness.  Spine, congestion of. Typhoid.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Loss of memory. Forgets what has recently happened.
  • Falling down, as in epilepsy, unconscious, with distortion of the features, followed by spasms of the body and limbs, bloody foam at mouth, and biting of the tongue; stupidity and loss of memory afterward.

  • Wants nothing to do with anybody. 

  • After recovery has no recollection of taking the poison, nor of the cause of his doing so.

  • Sudden and severe giddiness, delirium with hallucinations and loss of consiousness. 

  • Nervousness, excitement and sleeplessness especially in children. 

  • Tongue thick, protruding, can scarcely talk, Tongue trembling, feels numb. Bites tongue; trembles; feels as if swollen and too large; protruding.

  • Vertigo; when she rises up; tendency to fall backward.

  • Constant desire to urinate. Urine deep orange, of a strong smell, like horse's urine.

  •  General confusion. Wants head low. Pupils dilated unequally. 

  • Sensation of weight on chest.

  • Irregular, tumultuous action of heart can be heard in back.

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