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Adel Arctium Lappa30 CH (10 ml)

Adel Arctium Lappa 30 CH (10 ml)

For styes, pimples, acne, scars, scalp eczema, pain in tendon


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Useful in

Form:                  Drops

Common Name: Lappa officinalis.

Eruptions on the head, face, and neck; pimples; acne. Old sores, especially about joints. Styes and ulcerations on the edge of the eyelids. Sharp, darting, fugitive pains in tendons, Influences pelvic organs, Eruption on extremities. Axillary glands suppurate.

Acne. Bunion. Dupuytren's contraction. Eczema serpiginosa. Eruptions. Glands, affections of. Gonorrhoea. Gout. Impotence. Leucorrhoea. Phosphaturia. Rheumatism. Ringworm. Scrofula. Sterility. Ulcers. Uterus, prolapse of.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Inveterate acne. Spreading vesicular eruption, great tearing and itching. Herpetic eruption on right ala nasi.
  • Flatulent dyspepsia, belching inodorous gas.
  • Frequent yellow stools in forenoon, with nausea.
  • Diarrhoea alternating with rheumatic symptoms.
  • Loss of sexual desire. Cutting, squeezed pain in whole length of urethra; scalding on micturition.
  • Ringworm-like patch of eruption on thigh beside testicles; groins raw.
  • Prolapse of uterus with much bearing down. Has been called the "uterine magnet"
  • Tickling in rima glottidis with loose-sounding cough, but no expectoration.
  • Acute tingling, cutting pain under middle of sternum, extending across breast.
  • Pain in heart with indescribable movement under sternum; exceedingly rapid pulse with frequent intermissions.
  • Rheumatic and gouty pains. Soreness of muscles. Dull pains, all worse by motion; with high-coloured urine; weary and sleepy.
  • Rheumatic pains entirely relieved by onset of diarrhoea.
  • Pains in joints. Sharp, darting, fugitive pains in tendons 
  • Eczema of scalp.

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