Scalp Dandruff, Coryza, Swollen Glands & Sore Pains
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Common name: Fresh-water Sponge
Soreness of muscles and integuments; worse motion and friction of clothes, with sensitiveness to cold. Basedow's disease. Lues, bubo, roseola. Glands are swollen. General paresis. Buboes; chancres. Carcinoma, of breast. Infantile syphilis. Headache with aching in backs of eyeballs, 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.; < motion. Severe headache in vertex > night, returning severely after breakfast. Headache with inflamed eyes. Pains in eyeballs extending to head. Scalp sore; dry; itching; scurf; tetters. Soreness is one of the key-notes of the remedy; general soreness of integuments and muscles; as if beaten; very sensitive. Profuse coryza, coming from nostril with a gush. Left cheek and malar bone sore to touch. Lancinating pains in stomach; liver; below scapulae; urethra; chest. Buboes. Chancres suppressed by cautery. Infantile syphilis. Carcinoma of breast. There is a cough which causes sneezing, profuse coryza. Occasional severe fit of coughing ejecting viscid mucus flying out of mouth; caused by tickling in larynx as if a particle of sugar was dissolving in throat; > in warm room. Tremulous vibrative palpitation worse lying right side. Palpitation after pleasurable emotions. Soreness of anterior muscles of legs; toes bend while walking as if extensors were paralysed. It has lessened a hard cellular swelling of both legs. Sharp stinging back of r. heel, worse least pressure. Chronic rheumatism, worse by cold, especially in cold air. worse Stormy weather. Better In warm room. worse from Pressure and touch: there is general soreness, even to touch of clothes. Sore as if beaten. Headache better at night, after sleep.
Breast, cancer of. Bruises. Bubo. Catarrh. Chilblains. Coryza. Eyes, pains in. Glands, affections of. Hay-fever. Haemorrhoids. Heart, affections of. Indurations. Ophthalmia. Palpitation. Rheumatism. Scrofula. Syphilis. Tibia, pain in. Whooping-cough.
Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR
Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.
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