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Adel Bio Combination 28 (20 gm )

Adel Bio Combination 28 (20 gm )

General Tonic for all Wasting Diseases, Improves Resistance to Disease



Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Useful in

Form:     Tablets

These tablets contain the twelve tissue remedies found in the human organism.

They are of great help for those suffering from consumption and other debilitating diseases for convalescents from fever, pneumonia,diarrhoea, etc. as they help to build up the system by supplying the necessary tissue nutrition.

Weak and old people take them as tonic after meals.

The continuous use of these tablets will keep off disease.

  • Builds up entire system by providing necessary tissue supplements.
  • Calcarea fluorica: It helps in malnutrition of bones, joints and glands and helps improving absorption of calcium.
  • Calcarea phosphorica: Bone diseases, healing, fractures, useful for chronic wasting diseases as a calcium supplement.
  • Calcarea sulphurica: It helps Control inflammation, suppurative processes, ear, nose, throat and controls purulent thick yellow discharges.
  • Ferrum phosphoricum: It Build blood, tissues, controls inflammation and minor fevers. For all 1st stage affections.
  • Kalium muraticum: It is useful For healthy ear, chest, and liver.
  • Kalium phosphoricum: For health of nerves, brain tissues, tranquillity and improvement of mental power.
  • Kalium sulphuricum: It helps to maintain healthy skin, useful for joints.
  • Magnesium phosphoricum: For health of muscles, uterine tone, pain related nerves, and heart. Relieves all types of spasmodic pains.
  • Natrum muriaticum: It helps to maintain the health of kidney, joints and all mucous membranes.
  • Natrum phosphoricum: It assists healthier metabolism of fats, better digestive power with control on hyperacidity.
  • Natrum sulphuricum: It maintains rhe water balance of body.
  • Silicea: Improves assimilation, corrects defective nutrition.
  •    4 tablets  four times a day. or as prescribed by the physician

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