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Adel Calcarea Oxydatum 3X (20 gm)

Adel Calcarea Oxydatum 3X (20 gm)

Hoarseness of voice, Pain over the heels, Corns, Rheumatic Complaints, Jaw affections.



Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Useful in

Form:         Tablets

  • Mucus in throat, burning sensation as if a bone were sticking in it. Hoarseness, with pain in throat.
  • Burning in stomach, Tapeworm passes.
  • Stitches in chest. 
  • Rheumatic tearing pains in the heels and the existence of callosities on the soles of the feet. Corns over the heels.
  • Stiffness, and tearing in all regions of the neck and back, also in the coccyx, in the extremities is relieved with the help of this medicine.
  • Violent pain, swelling, stiffness of right joint of Jaw with unusually red lips is effectively relieved with this medicine.
  • It rapidly checks all Inflammatory action in cases of appendicitis.
  • It helps to remove all sufferings in an aggravated case of piles.

2 to 4 tablets 4 times a day or as prescribed by the physician

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