Joint pain, Nodes on Joint, Rash, Eczema, Insufficient milk, Polyp & Gout
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Common Name: Crushed Live Ants
It is an arthritic medicine for sudden rheumatic or gouty pains. Gout (increase uric acid deposition) and articular rheumatism; pains worse, motion; better, pressure. Right side most affected. Chronic gout and stiffness in joints. Acute outbursts of gouty poisons, especially when assuming the neuralgic forms. Tuberculosis, carcinoma, and lupus; chronic nephritis. Complaints from overlifting. Apoplectic diseases. Has a marked deterrent influence on the formation of polypi. Tuberculosis. Checks the formation of polypi. Atrophy of wounds. Takes cold easily. Carcinoma. It affects spine; liver; kidneys and right side. Checked foot sweat; chorea from.
Apoplexy. Brain, affections of. Bruises. Chorea. Cough. Diarrhoea. Dislocations. Dropsies. Eyes, affections of. Facial paralysis. Foot-sweat, checked, consequence of. Gout. Hair, falling out. Headaches. Nodes. Overlifting, complaints from. Paralysis. Rheumatism. Sight, affections of. Spine, affections of. Spleen, pain in. Throat, sore.
Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR
Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.
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