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Adel Kali Arsenicosum30 CH (10 ml)

Adel Kali Arsenicosum 30 CH (10 ml)

indigestion, dry scaly skin, cold, leucorrhoea, Skin cancer, Anaemia


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                     Drops

Common Name:   Fowler's Solution, Potassium arsenite

Suits those with restlessness and pallor. Tendency to malignancy.

Bright's disease. Cancer. Deafness. Diarrhoea. Dropsy. Eczema. Epithelioma. Exophthalmos. Eyes, affections of. Herpes zoster. Jealousy. Measles. Melancholy. Miliary rash. Neuralgia. Neurasthenia. Psoriasis. Skin, affections of. Tongue, neuralgia of. Varicose veins. Ulcers.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Scolding, morose, retired, quarrelsome, and discontented, jealous, indifferent to everything, scarcely answered questions addressed to her, or replied to them in a peevish tone; eyes had a fixed look, face looked frightened and anxious; worse every third day
  • Headache in left parietal bone, as if it was sore and pressed upon by a hand; behaves like a crazy person.
  • Constricted feeling in head, as if there was a wound on parietal bone which was being scratched.
  • Face: Nodular eruption on face; boils. Face pale. Complexion muddy. Looks older. Furfuraceous eruption on beard.
  • Tongue clear, red, like raw beef. Tongue coated on edges only with mucous stripes. In middle towards tip of tongue a smooth, red spot with troublesome burning and numbness.
  • Constant pain and nausea after food; frequent vomiting of ingesta. Weight after eating.
  • Frequent griping pains in bowels, and almost constant desire for stool; considerable tenderness in whole abdomen, which is distended.
  • Stools white, watery, frothy. Sensation as of a red-hot iron in anus.
  • Intolerable itching, worse undressing.
  • Chronic eczema; itching worse from warmth, walking, undressing. 
  • Psoriasis, lichen, Fissures in bends of arms and knees.
  • Gouty nodosities; worse, change of weather.
  • Skin cancer, where suddenly an alarming malignancy without any external signs sets in.
  • Numerous small nodules under skin.
  • Herpes zoster behind right ear, right side of neck, right shoulder, right upper arm, right chest, a few isolated vesicles left side of neck.
  • Severe attack of shingles right side of chest.
  • Epithelial cancer supervened after prolonged medication with Kali ars. for psoriasis.
  • Patches of psoriasis on back, arms, and spreading from elbows, and anteriorly on legs, size of a crown piece, and indolent. Psoriasis: scaly itchings, causing him to scratch till an ichorous fluid discharges, forming a hard cake.
  • Weakness she cannot sit up in bed; a loud noise or sudden, unexpected motion throws her whole body into a tremor.
  • Cauliflower excrescence of os uteri, with flying pains, pressure below os pubis, and stinking discharge. Menses absent. Milk entirely arrested 

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