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Adel Platinum Metallicum30 CH (10 ml)

Adel Platinum Metallicum 30 CH (10 ml)

Colicky Pain, Fear, Anxiety, For Worms, Menstrual Cramps, Anal Itching, Paralysis & Hysteria


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Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                   Drops

Common Name: Platinum


This proud metal is a WOMAN’S remedy esp. prim old maids. Many and various symptoms reflex from ovaries and uterus or sexual organs. It affects the nerves, Vagus, Sensory and Trifacial, causing violent, cramping, squeezing, thrusting or numbing pains; then spasms. Spasms alternate with dyspnoea. Oversensitive mind and nerves. Localized; coldness; of single parts, eyes, ears etc.; or numbness; of scalp, face, coccyx, calves etc. Haemorrhages; with black clots with fluid. Tremors; painful. Irregular, spasms; congestion of blood.Alternate mental and physical or sexual symptoms. Pains increase and decrease gradually. Bandaged feeling. Sticky discharges; tears, stools, menses, etc. Hysterical spasms. Catalepsy during menses. Tonic and clonic spasms, with laughter. Ill effects of fright; vexation; bereavement; fit of passion; sexual excess; prolonged haemorrhages; masturbation, (before puberty). Sensation of pricking. Violent shocks, as from pain. Contortions of limbs. Epilepsy; catalepsy. Perverted sexual desire.


Amenorrhoea. Chlorosis. Constipation. Convulsions. Delusions. Dentition. Depression of spirits. Dysmenia. Erotomania. Fear. Gout. Haemorrhage. Haemorrhoids. Hysteria. Lead poisoning. Masturbation. Melancholia, Menorrhagia. Menses, suppressed. Mind, affections of. Neuralgia. Neurasthenia. Numbness. Nymphomania. Ovaries, affections of. Pruritus vulvae. Rheumatism. Sexual perversion. Spasms. Tapeworm. Uterus, induration of. Vaginismus. Yawning, spasmodic.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Platina  Adapted to women, dark hair, rigid fibre; thin, of a sanguine temperament; who suffer from too early and too profuse menses.
  • Sexual organs exceedingly sensitive; cannot bear the napkin to touch her; will go into spasms from an examination; vulva painfully sensitive during coitus: will faint during or cannot endure, coitus.
  • The pains increase gradually and as gradually decrease; are attended with numbness of parts
  • Platina suited For hysterical patients; alternately gay and sad, who cry easily; pale, easily fatigued.
  • Arrogant, proud, contemptuous and haughty; pitiful “looking down” upon people usually venerated; a kind of “casting them off” unwillingly.
  • Mental delusions, as if everything about her were small; all persons physically and mentally inferior, but she physically large and superior.
  • Sensation of growing larger in every direction.
  • Trifling things produce profound vexation; remains a long time in the sulks.
  • Satiety of life, with taciturnity and fear of death 
  • Mental symptoms appear as physical symptoms disappear and vice versa.
  • Headache: numb, heavy pain in brain or on vertex; from anger or chagrin; hysterical, from uterine disease; pains gradually increase and decrease.
  • Nymphomania: worse in lying-in women; excessive sexual development, especially in virgins; vaginismus, spasms and constriction.
  • Menses too early, too profuse, too long-lasting; dark-clotted, offensive, with bearing down spasms; pains in uterus with twitching; genitals sensitive.
  • Excessive itching in uterus; pruritus vulvae.
  • Constipation; while traveling; after lead poisoning; from inertia of bowels; frequent, unsuccessful urging; stools adhere to rectum and anus like soft clay; of emigrants; of pregnancy.
  • Metrorrhagia: flow in black clots and fluid; thick black, tarry or in grumous mass
  • Painter's colic. Pain in umbilical region; extending through to back. Pressing and bearing down in abdomen; extending into pelvis.
  • Pain at root of nose, as if squeezed in a vise. 
  • Tightness of thighs, as if too tightly wrapped. Numb and weary sensation. Feel paralyzed.
  • Sleeps with legs far apart 


  • Worse: EMOTIONS; sexual, coition, chagrin. TOUCH. Nerve exhaustion. Fasting. During menses. Sitting. Standing. Bending; backwards.
  • Better: Walking in open air. Sunshine. Stretching.

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