Sneezing, Congestion, Wheezing, Dry Cough, Eye Pains, Dry Eye & Hoarseness
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Common Name: Snake-root
It affects the MUCOUS MEMBRANES causing catarrhal symptoms esp. of the respiratory tract; and bladder. Eyes; serous membranes of CHEST; muscles and left side are also affected. It is suited to plethoric persons; or persons tending to obesity; tall, slender, sprightly women; old persons and fat chubby children. Paretic states esp., of ocular muscles and distinct eye symptoms. Circumscribed spots left in chest after inflammation. Weakness seems to originate in the chest. Faintness when walking in open air. Burning in air passages. Laxity of tissues. Profuse albuminous secretions. Ill effects of poisonous bites. Sprains. Sensation of trembling, without visible trembling.
Amblyopia. Ascites. Asthma. Bladder, irritable; catarrh of. Blepharitis ciliaris. Bronchitis. Constipation. Cornea, opacity of. Cough. Enuresis. Facial paralysis. Hay-fever. Hydrothorax. Hypopion. Influenza. Iritis. Å’sophagus, stricture of; catarrh of. Phthisis mucosa. Pleurisy. Pneumonia. Snake-bites. Sneezing: fits of; at end of cough. Styes. Throat, sore. Whooping-cough.
Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR
Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.
Dryness, with sensation as if too large for orbits.
Hoarseness of voice. Cannot able to talk.
Inflammation of larynx. Loss of voice.
Cough often ends in a sneeze.
Bronchial inflammation, with soreness in chest wall; much mucus in chest; sensation of oppression and weight of chest.
Inflammation of bronchus in old people with chronic interstitial inflammation or shortness of breath.
Fullness of lung with Pressure on chest as though lungs were forced back to spine.
Urine; foamy, acrid; increased or decreased in amount; with mucous shreds. Scalding before and after urination.
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