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Adel Urtica Urens30 CH (10 ml)

Adel Urtica Urens 30 CH (10 ml)

Burns and scalds, Itching, Blisters, Deficient milk, Spleen complaints & Urticaria


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Useful in

Form:                   Drops

Common Name:  Stinging nettle

It produces stinging or stinging-burning pains. Affects the MAMMARY GLANDS; genito-urinary organs; liver and spleen. Urinous odour of the body. Uric acid diathesis. Urticaria; associated or alternating, with rheumatism. Haemorrhages. Ill effects of burns; bee-stings, eating shell fish; suppressed milk; urticaria. Angio-neurotic oedema.

Agalactia. Anaemia. Bee-stings. Burns. Calculus, prevention of. Deltoid, rheumatism of. Dysentery. Erysipelas, vesicular. Erythema. Gout. Gravel. Haemorrhages. Intermittents. Lactation. Leucorrhoea. Menorrhagia. Phlegmasia dolens. Renal colic. Rheumatism. Spleen, affections of. Throat, sore. Uraemia. Urticaria; nodosa. Vertigo. Whooping-cough. Worms.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician

  • Itching of scrotum, keeps him awake all the time. Scrotum swollen and painful.
  • Arrests flow of milk after weaning. Diminished secretion of milk.
  • Burn confined to skin.
  • Chicken-pox swelling of back
  • Herpes blackish discolouration with sensation of heat and itching. 
  • Rheumatism alternates with nettle-rash.
  • Stools; small, painful, mucous mixed with white matter like boiled white of an egg. 
  • Diminished secretion of milk; after parturition. Swelling of the breast; with stinging, burning pains. Arrests the flow of milk after weaning.
  • Continuous pain in deltoid (right) worse : rotating arm inwards; could not put on the coat. 
  • Itching, raised, red blotches. Nettle rash; worse every year same season. Prickly heat.
  • Hives; elevated; with rheumatism; after shell fish; with pinworms. Vesicles.
  • Burns and scalds of the first degree; with intense burning, itching; apply locally.


  • Worse:  Snow air; cool moist air. Cool bathing. Yearly. Touch. Lying on arm.

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