Proper Growth of Children & Improves Height
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Adzag Forte Drops is an excellent combination of Homoeopathic specialities for kids and is scientifically prepared to provide essential medicines required for the optimum development of the children. It is a combination of medicines that improves the metabolism of minerals responsible for bone development. It is best suited for young, anaemic children who are easily exhausted, slow in learning to walk and have defective assimilation.
Adzag Forte Drops acts effectively in the growing pains of children. It helps to relieve indigestion, especially in infants who vomit out immediately after feeding. This also helps in maintaining normal body structure and can be recommended for children who fail to grow normally. It naturally helps in proper assimilation of the necessary minerals and thus helps in proper growth of the body, strengthens the skeletomuscular system and assists in metabolic functions of the body.
COMP. A: Manganum Aceticum 3CH, Calcarea Phos. 3CH, Calcarea Flourica 3CH
COMP. B: Calcarea Carbonica 3CH, Silicea 3CH
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