Loss of Appetite, General Weakness & Poor Digestion
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Syrup
Calcarea Phos: Anaemia or debility after acute diseases or chronic wasting diseases. Mental & physical weakness & fatigue
Ferrum Phos: Easy exhausion, of sanguineous & nervous temperament. Increases haemoglobin in anaemic individuals
Kali Phos: Mental Fatigue. Mental breakdown after enourmous mental exertion with nervous & oversensitivity.
Mag Phos: Forgetful, dullness & inability to think clearly, indisposition to study or mental effort.
Natrum Phos: Ailments from mental exertion.
Adults: 10ml (2 teaspoonful) thrice daily or as prescribed by the physician
Children: 5ml (1 teaspoonful) thrice daily or as prescribed by the physician
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