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Adven Leuco Forte Tablets (90 Tablets)

Adven Leuco Forte Tablets (90 Tablets)

Reducing (White) Vaginal Discharges with Itching


₹200 ₹188
6.00 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
100% Secure
  • Safe Buy
  • Genuine
  • Live Easy
Useful in

Form:     Tablets

Weight:  95 (gms)

For leucorrhoea- profuse discharge, transparent/white/yellow and associated itching and burning of parts.

Also useful in menstrual irregularities.

  • Abroma Augusta: Leucorrhoea in diabetic ladies. Thick, whitish discharge. Dysmenorrhea.
  • Helonias Dioica: Debilitated women who are worn out from hard work, after abortion, miscarriages, haemorrhages with prolapse of uterus. Menses - too early, profuse from uterine atony in women enfeebled by loss of blood. Foul, lumpy or curdled leucorrhoea, with pruritus vulvae. Vulva aphthous.
  • Hydrastis Canadensis: Leucorrhoea after menses. Leucorrhoea - acrid, corroding, shredy, tenacious. Pruritis vulvae and profuse leucorrhoea and sexual excitement.Erosion & excoriation of the cervix.
  • Pulsatilla Nigricans: Leucorrhoea milky thick like cream, acrid, with pain in back and exhaustion. Leucorrhoea in infant.
  • Viburnum Opulus: Heaviness of both sacral and pubic regions, with pains going on from the sacrum around the loins across to the pubic bones and down the thighs. Cramping pain. Frequent and profuse urination with all leucorrhoea.

4 tablets 4 times a day or as prescribed by the physician

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