Form: Syrup
Weight: 170 (gms)
Gripe Mixture is an effective remedy for infants with colic gastrointestinal discomfort, teething pain and other stomach ailments.
- Chamomilla: Flatulent colic. Abdomen distended like a drum, sensitive to touch , wind passes of in small quantities.
- Magnesium Phosphoricum: Flatulent colic, forcing patient to bend double, relieved by rubbing, warmth, pressure, accompanied by belching of gas which gives no relief.
- Calcarea Phosphorica: Chronic abdominal colic in school going children with or without diarrhoea.
- Natrum Sulphuricum: colic, rubbing abdomen, lying on sides.
- Ferrum Phosphoricum: Pains wandering. Appears & disappears suddenly. Colic due to multiple food allergies to tea, egg, beer, alcoholic, wine, meat.
- Cina: Violent screaming attacks at night, child lying on back striking & kicking hands & feet.
- Sabadilla: Colic due to worms
1 or 2 teaspoonful after food, 3 times a day or as directed by the physician.