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Allen Gynical Tonic (100 ml)

Allen Gynical Tonic (100 ml)

Painful & Irregular Menses


₹100 ₹92
8.00 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
100% Secure
  • Safe Buy
  • Genuine
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Form:             Syrup

Weight:         140 (gms)

Heavy irregular bleeding with pain in the lower abdomen or back, difficulty in urinating and moving bowels, incontinence, backaches, bleeding between periods and chronic and abnormal bleeding.

  • Ashoka Jonosia: Nourishing tonic for Uterus. It also helps to relieve the menstrual problems.
  • Abroma Augusta: It causes the menses to appear and gives the tone and strength to the uterus.
  • Aletris Farinose: Premature and profuse menses, with labour-like pains. Retarded and scanty flow. Uterus seems heavy. Prolapse, with pain in right inguinal region.
  • Caulophyllum: Complaints of the uterus, for instance profuse bleeding as well as absence of a tone in the muscles of the uterus.
  • Hydrastis Canadensis: It has proved valuable in vaginal and uterine white discharge, and in all cases of enfeebled mucous tissues.
  • Pulsatilla: Useful remedy in painful menses. Dark menses which are delayed and accompanied with this severe menstrual colic.
  • Viburnum Opulus: Menses too late, scanty, lasting a few hours, offensive in odor, with crampy pains, cramps extend down thighs (Bell). Bearing-down pains before. Ovarian region feels heavy and congested. Aching in sacrum and pubes, with pain in anterior muscles of thighs.
  • Magnesia Phosphorica: Menstrual colic; pain precedes flow; Ovarian neuralgia, Vaginismus. Ovaritis. Membranous painful menses. Menses too early, with dark, fibrinous, stringy flow. Severe cramping pains over entire pelvis.
  • Nux vomica: Alleviate excessive bleeding from uterine troubles.
  • Helonias Dioica: Atony of the genital organs, and pain extending from the back of the uterus.
  • Mercurius Solubilis: Menses profuse, with abdominal pains. White discharge, excoriating, greenish and bloody; sensation of rawness in parts. Stinging pain in ovaries (Apis). Itching and burning; worse, after urinating.

1 or 2 teaspoonful after food, 3 times a day or as directed by the physician.

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