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Allen No Stone Tonic (100 ml)

Allen No Stone Tonic (100 ml)

Renal Calculi, Sharp Pain in the Kidneys and Back


₹110 ₹104
5.45 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:              Syrup

Weight:          140 (gms)

Kidney stones (known medically as renal calculi) produce sudden excruciating, cramping pain in the lower back, groin, or abdomen. This pain is referred to as renal colic and occurs when the stone is in the ureter or after the stone has left the bladder and is in the urethra. The pain comes in waves lasting 20 to 60 minutes, characteristic of colicky pain. Renal colic is associated with nausea, vomiting, fever, blood in the urine, pus in the urine, cloudy or smelly urine and painful urination. Painful urination may occur when a urinary tract infection is also present.

  • Acidum Nitricum: Urine - dark, scanty, offensive. Sensation as if hot wire in urethra.
  • Berberis Vulgaris: Colic due to stones, radiating, shooting outwards. Pain in kidneys radiates to bladder, and then along hips into the thighs.
  • Cantharis: Violent and aggressive action on tissues, especially mucus membranes of the urinary tract. Tenesmus of rectum and bladder.
  • Dulcamara: Urinary system - Milky urine. Catarrhal ischuria in grown-up children.
  • Eupatorium Pupureum: Deep, dull pain in the kidneys. Burning in the bladder and urethra.
  • Lycopodium Clavatum: Hepatitis, atrophic form of nutmeg liver.
  • Pareira brava: Renal colic. Bladder catarrh. Excruciating pain, radiating from left lumbar to groin, to thighs, to toes, and soles of feet, during effort to urinate.
  • Ocimum Canum: A good remedy for renal calculus with right sided renal colic.
  • Rubia Tinctor: It helps cleanse and detoxify the kidneys. It is also helpful in checking kidney stone formation and decreasing the size of existing kidney stones.
  • Sarsaparilla: Pain from right kidney downwards. Renal colic.
  • Senecio Aureus: Pain in region of kidneys with fever and prostration.
  • Solidago Virgaurea: It has an excellent & time honoured reputation for dissolving kidney stones
  • Uva Ursi: Cystitis with bloody urine. Chronic vesical irritation. Painful micturation.

1 or 2 teaspoonful after meals 3 time in a day or as directed by the physician.

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