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Bakson's B35 Urinary Drops (30 ml)

Bakson's B35 Urinary Drops (30 ml)

Burning while Passing Urine, Bloody Urine, Pain Urination & UTI


₹200 ₹188
6.00 %off
Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
100% Secure
  • Safe Buy
  • Genuine
  • Live Easy
Useful in

Form:             Drops

Weight:          90 (gms)

Helps relieve itching, pain and/or burning in urethra and other symptoms of urinary tract disorders.

Berberis vulg. : Urinary system - Gurgling or bubbling sensations in the kidneys, especially, left sided. Urine greenish, blood red, with thick slimy mucus. Colic pain radiating, shooting outwards, sticking, burning, smarting, sore, insensible to heat and cold  Burning pains, pain in bladder region. pain in thighs &loins on urinating.

Cantharis : Intolerable urging and tenesmus nephritis with bloody urine, urine jelly-like,shreddy. Nephritis with bloody urine. Intolerable pains, cutting before, during, and after urine. membranous scales looking like brain in water.

Dulcamara : Must urinate when getting chilled. Strangury, painful micturition.Strangury,painful micturition, catarrh of bladder from taking cold. Ischuria from wanding with bare feet in cold water. 

Equisetum hyemale : A remedy for enuresis and dysuria. Frequent urging with severe pain at the end of urine. Urine flows only drop by drop. Sharp, cutting pain in urethra while urinating. Much mucus in urine.Albuminuria 

Eupatorium purpureum 3x: Soreness with pains while urination associated with bone pains. 

10-15 drops in some water 3-4 times a day or as prescribed by the physician 

In acute cystitis the dose should be taken every 1-2 hours or as prescribed by the physician 

Once improvement starts revert to normal dosage

In Nephrolithiasis: additionally B14 or Bakson Bakunil Syrup.

In Prostatitis: Alternate B35 with B13

In Albuminuria, Nephrosis & chronic Nephritis: B63 additionally

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