Stiffness, Pain in Muscles, Bones & Cracking Sound in Joints
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Weight: 90 (gms)
Helps relieve rheumatic pains of muscles and bones, especially of neck and back, besides relieving symptoms of various other types of arthritis (inflammation of joints) either due to injury , infection or allergic reaction to some medications.
Ferrum phos : Stiff neck. Articular rheumatism. Crick in back. Rheumatic pain in shoulder; pains extend to chest and wrist. Hands swollen and painful. Swelling of hands and legs. Sprains of elbows. Rheumatism attacking one joint after another.
Lithium carb. : Paralytic stiffness all over. Itching about joints. Rheumatic pains throughout shoulder-joint, arm, and fingers and small joints generally. Swelling and tenderness of finger and toe joints; better, hot water. Nodular swellings in joints. Ankles pain when walking. pain in joints is relieved by very hot water.
Natrum sulph : Pain in limbs, compels frequent change in position. Run-arounds. Pain in hip-joints, worse left, worse, stooping.Rheumatism, worse in damp cold weather Stiffness of knees, cracking of joints.
Nux vomica : Cracking in knee-joints during motion. Drags his feet when walking. Sensation of sudden loss of power of arms and legs in the morning.
Rhododendron : Rheumatic tearing in all limbs, Pains in bones in spots, and reappear by change of weather. Pains are tearing, zigzag, boring, rapidly changing, descending, paralytic pains. Acute inflammatory swelling of joints. Gouty inflammation. Rheumatic worse in damp cold weather pain in limbs, stiffness of neck.
10-15 drops in little water is to be taken 2-3 times daily before meals for at least 12-16 weeks or as prescribed by the physician
In acute cases the dose is to be taken 2 hourly, 6 times a day or as prescribed by the physician
B6: Inflammatory Troubles.
B1: Feverish infections or influenza after drenching.
B11: General rheumatic constitution.
B12: Migraine & Neuralgia
B29: Pain in intercostal spaces.
B55: Sacroiliac complaints of women, eventually with pains allong the vertebral column
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