Thyroid, Trembling, Sweating, Weakness, Loss of Appetite & Anxiety
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Weight: 90 (gms)
For trembling of hands, perspiration, exophthalmos, emaciation, diarrhea & other symptoms of Thyrotoxicosis.
Atropinum : Helps in proper functioning of thyroid. Dysphagia; swallowing causes paroxysms of suffocation Exopthalmus.
Hekla lava : Glandular swelling with hardness.Cervical glands enlarged and indurated. Intoxication of thyroid gland.
lodium: Rapid emaciation not withstanding a good appetite. Great debility.Loss of flesh great appetite. Great debility, Goitre. Thyroid enlarged. Slightest exertion produces perspiration.
Spongia : Inflammation and glandular enlargement, especially of thyroid. Thyroid gland swollen. Excessive thirst, great hunger. Goiter with suffocative spells. Swelling becomes hard, Indurated.
Bromium :Thyroid gland swollen. Excessive thirst, great hunger. Goiter with suffocative spells. Swelling, induration and stony hardness of thyroid gland. Tendency to infiltrate glands, become enlarged, hard but seldom suppurate.
Nat Mur : Emaciation most notable in neck. Great liability to take cold. Excessive sweating with weight loss. Hyperthyroidism. Goitre. Hungry, yet looses flesh. Exopthalmic goitre.
In the first week of treatment take 10-15 drops in a little water 4 times daily before meals or as prescribed by the physician
For the next week, take the dose 3 times daily and there after 2 times daily or as prescribed by the physician
B3 for diarrhoea.
B5 for strong pulse.
B42 for emaciation and weakness.
B45 for nervous debility.
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