Painful Menses, Cramps in Abdomen & Lower Back Pain in Menses
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Syrup
Helpful for functional female disorders, it regulates menstrual flow, treats colic, Leucorrhoea, lack of sexual desire, contraction and tenderness of vagina, general weakness & provides immunity against Genital Tract Infections.
Abroma augusta ø, Abroma radix ø, Aletris far. ø, Alfalfa ø, Terminalia arj. ø, Berberis vulg. ø, Cinchona off. ø, Crataegus oxy. ø , Janosia ashoka ø, Pulsatilla n. ø, Viburnum p. ø, Kali. brom. 1x, Caulophyllum t. ø.
1-2 teaspoon with water twice daily or as directed by the Physician
Do not use during pregnancy or if pregnancy is suspected.
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