Joint Pains, Back Pain, Sprains, Muscular Stiffness & Nerve Pains
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Tablets & Drops
RHEUM AID PLUS is proven for overcoming the distress caused by inflammations and pain. It acts by alleviating all the five symptoms of Rheumatism thereby greatly reducing the discomfort and restoring the mobility.
Rheum aid Tablets: Calcarea phos. 3x, Ferrum phos. 3x, Kali. phos. 3x, Natrum phos. 3x, Magnesium phos. 3x, Berberis vulg. 3x, Causticum 3x, Rhododendron chrys. 3x, Rhus tox. 3x.
#B-11 Pain Drops: Berberis vulgaris 3x, Calcarea phosphorica 8x, Causticum hahnemanni 3x, Rhododendron chrysanthum 3x, Rhus toxicodendron 3x.
Rheum Aid Tablets:
#B-11 Drops:
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