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Bakson's Cyclamen Europaeum200 CH (30 ml)

Bakson's Cyclamen Europaeum 200 CH (30 ml)

Irregular Profuse Menses, Headache, Anaemia, Flickering Before The Eyes, & Sore Pain In Heels


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Form:                     Drops

Common Name:   Sow Bread

Family:                   Primulaceae

It affects the digestive tract and female sexual organs; producing disturbances IN VISION or vertigo, due to the gastric or menstrual disorders. Anaemic and chlorotic conditions. Affections of the uterus. Disinclined for labour and easily fatigued. Dreads open air. Pressive pains in thinly covered bones. Stitching pains. Ill effects of inward grief and terror of conscience. Gastro-intestinal and genito-urinary tracts affected, inducing secondary anemia and various reflexes. Sleepiness, moroseness and lassitude. Cough at night. While asleep without waking, especially in children.

Anaemia. Bones, pain in. Chlorosis. Climacteric sufferings. Coryza. Diplopia. Dyspepsia. Enteralgia. Eyes, affections of. Headache. Heel, pain in. Hiccough. Menstruation, disorders of. Mental derangement. Pregnancy, sickness of; disorders of. Prostatitis. Rheumatism. Strabismus. Thirst, absence of. Urethritis. Vertigo. Weaning, complaints after. Writer's-spasm.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Pale, chlorotic, deranged menses, accompanied by vertigo, headache, dim vision.
  • Pains: pressive, drwaing or tearing of parts where bones lie near the surface.
  • Ailments: from suppressed grief and terrors of conscience, from duty not done or bad act committed.
  • Gread sadness and peevishness, irritable, morose, illhumored, inclined to weep, desire for solitude, aversion to open air.
  • Dim vision, worse on waking up, with spots before the eyes. Flickering of various colors. 
  • Menses profuse. Black, membranous, clotted. (too early With labor like pains from back to pubes.
  • Flow less when moving around, Menstrual irregularities with migraine and blindness, or fiery spots before the eyes.
  • Hiccough during pregnancy Post-partum bleeding with colicky bearing down pains, relief after gush of blood.
  • After menses, swelling of breasts with milky secretion.
  • Vomiting after eating, in the morning. Fullness, as if he had eaten too much, nausea caused by eating and drinking.
  • Salty taste hiccough like eructations worse, after fatty food, Diarrhea after every cup of coffee; hiccough.
  • Acne in young women, Severe itching on skin better scratching and by appearance of menses.
  • Frequent sneezing with itching in the ears.
  • Headache in anaemic patients with flickering before eyes or dim vision on rising in morning.
  • Flickering before the eyes, fiery sparks, as of various colors, glittering needles, dim vision of fog or smoke.
  • Staiety after a few mouthfuls, food then becomes repungnant, causes nausea in throat and palate.
  • Saliva and all food has a salty taste; pork disagrees.
  • Burning sore pains in heels, when sitting, standing or walking in open air.


  • Worse: open air, evenings, sitting, standing, and cold water, cold bathing.
  • Better: during menstrual flow, by moving around, rubbing parts; in warm room, lemonade, indoors

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