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Bakson's Petroleum30 CH (30 ml)

Bakson's Petroleum 30 CH (30 ml)

Corns, Cracks, Fissures, Eczema, Joint Pains, Swollen Glands & Diarrhoea


Available Potency/Weight :
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Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                   Drops

Common Name: Coal or rock oil

Family:                  Anthracite

It chiefly acts on the skin esp. folds, scalp; face, and genitals. Produces catarrhal condition of the mucous membranes, of stomach and bowels. It is suited to long lasting, deep seated wasting diseases; complaints following mental states, fright, vexations etc.; lingering gastric and intestinal troubles. Tremulous weakness. Feels sick internally. Internal itching. Dread of open air; with shivering when exposed to it. Dryness; in ear, nose, etc. Discharges are thick, purulent and yellowish green. Haemorrhages, blood light red; worse lifting or riding. Burnings. Twitchings, catalepsy. Dropsy. One of the first remedies for car, train or sea sickness. Ill effects of sprains; suppressed eruptions. Wooden feeling. Emaciation esp. of chest. Coldness; in spots; in abdomen, in heart, after scratching. Bruised soreness worse in joints. Glands enlarged. Cracks. Unhealthy granulations after severe burns. FEAR, long lasting.

Addison's disease. Albuminuria. Anaemia. Angina pectoris. Anus, fissure of. Bed-sores. Breath, offensive. Burns. Chilblains. Chlorosis. Constipation. Cracks in skin. Deafness. Diarrhoea. Dysmenia. Dyspepsia. Ear, affections of. Eczema. Face, rough. Facial paralysis. Feet, soles painful. Fester, tendency to. Fistulae. Frost-bite. Gastric ulcer. Gonorrhoea. Haemorrhoids. Hands, chapped. Headache; occipital. Herpes. Herpes preputialis. Irritation. Jaw, easily dislocated. Myopia. Nose, sore. Otorrhoea. Perspiration, offensive. Pregnancy, sickness of. Presbyopia. Prostatitis. Psoriasis. Rheumatism. Sea-sickness. Skin, affections of. Sprains. Syphilis. Tabes mesenterica. Toothache. Urethra, stricture of; chronic inflammation of. Varices. Vomiting. Warts.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Adapted to persons with light hair and skin; irritable, quarrelsome disposition; easily offended at trifles; vexed at everything.
  • Ailments: from riding in a carriage, railroad car, or in a ship
  • Ailments which are worse before and during a thunderstorm
  • Symptoms appear and disappear rapidly
  • During sleep or delirium: imagines that one leg is double; that another person lies alongside of him in same bed; that there are two babies in the bed
  • Vertigo on rising; in occiput; as if intoxicated; like seasickness
  • Headache: in occiput, which is as heavy as lead; pressing, pulsating pain; as if everything in the head were alive; numb, bruised, as if made of wood.
  • Gastralgia: of pregnancy; with pressing, drawing pains; whenever stomach is empty; relieved by constant eating
  • Diarrhoea: yellow, watery, gushing; after cabbage, sour krout; during pregnancy, stormy weather; always in the daytime.
  • Painful sensitiveness of skin of whole body; all clothing is painful; slight injury suppurates
  • Skin of hands rough, cracked, tips of fingers rough, cracked, fissured, every winter; tenderness of the feet, which are bathed in foul-smelling sweat
  • Herpes: of genital organs extending to perineum and thighs; itching, redness; skin cracked, rough, bleeding; dry or moist. Heat and burning of soles of feet and palms of hands
  • Sweat and moisture of external genitals, both sexes. Painful, itching chilblains and chapped hands worse in cold weather; decubitus.
  • Sensation of coldness about the heart
  • Strong aversion to fat food, meat; worse, eating cabbage
  • Pain in nape of neck, stiff and painful. Weakness in small of back. Coccyx painful.
  • Chilblains, moist, itch and burn
  • Intertrigo; psoriasis of hands. Thick, greenish crusts, burning and itching; redness, raw; cracks bleed easily. Eczema. Rhagades worse in winter.
  • Slightest scratch makes skin suppurate 
  • There is foul smelling sweat all over the body, particularly in the affected area of the skin
  • Feeling of emptiness in stomach relieved by eating


  • Worse: dampness, before and during a thunder-storm, from riding in cars, passive motion; in winter, eating, from mental states.
  • Better: warm air; lying with head high; dry weather.

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