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Bhandari Batch Flower Chicory (30 ml)

Bhandari Batch Flower Chicory (30 ml)

Possessive, Over-Protective, Easily Offended, Gets Angry Easily & Selfish


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Useful in

Form:         Drops

Those who are very mindful of the needs of others; they tend to be over-full of care for children, relatives, friends, always finding something that should be put right. They are continually correcting what they consider wrong, and enjoy doing so. They desire that those for whom they care should be near them.

  • Possessive love.
  • Easily feels hurt and offended and rejected.
  • Requires others to conform to their "high sense of values" especially those near and dear.
  • Interfering.
  • Constant attention.
  • Talks of "duty owed to him".
  • When thwarted, becomes fretful, even tearful. Poisoned by such emotions.
  • Dislikes being alone.
  • Selfish, deceitful, strong-willed, talkative, irritable, enjoy arguments.

Take 20 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician

For those who are of a "mothering" type. They are kind and loving but have a tendency to fuss and be overprotective. They are the happiest people when they feel they are needed by their family members and are contented when they are asked to manage or organize something. This sort of an emotion can become overpowering at times causing those they care for to feel stifled by such a strong emotional embrace. They attempt to hold on to their loved ones becoming selfish and possessive, feel rejected and easily hurt and tend to adopt a no-one appreciates me attitude. The Chicory bach flower remedy helps these people to let go, to love and advise without demanding love and attention in return. It is also helpful in children who "cling" and demand constant attention, who become possessive over friends or toys

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