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Dr Patel's Homoeopathic Medicines DP-Vat-Tonic- Alfacal Vat (500 ml Pack of 2)

Alfacal Vat Tonic Health Supplement


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
100% Secure
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Useful in

GENERAL TONIC FOR WEIGHT GAIN: Dr. Patel's Alfacal Vat tonic is designed as a general tonic for animals. It contains essential nutrients and minerals that can help improve the overall health of your animals and support healthy weight gain. This is particularly beneficial for underweight or malnourished animals.

CORRECTS TISSUE WASTE: The Alfacal Vet supplement is formulated to address tissue waste issues in animals. It contains ingredients that can helps your animals in tissue repair and regeneration, helping animals recover from injuries or illnesses more effectively.

Thoroughly Mix Indicated Quantity in One Water Feed

  • Large Animal: 15 to 30 ml/Daily
  • Small Animals: 10 ml / daily
  • Poultry: (Per 100 birds)
  • Chicks: 10 ml / alternate days Layes 25 ml / alternate days
  • Growers: 20 ml/ alternate days.

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