Varicose Veins, Ulcers, Bone Caries, Alopecia, Bed Sores, Excessive Hair Fall, & Apthae
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Common Name: Hydrofluoric acid
Destructiveness is the keynote of this acid. It produces slow deeply destructive effects, caries of bones esp. long bones; ulcerations, bedsores; varicose veins. It is suitable to complaints of old age or prematurely aged. Pale, miserable, cachectic, flabby and broken down patients. Always feels too hot; wants to bathe in cold water. Tissues are puffy, indurated and fistulous. Discharges are thin; foul, acrid or salty, causing itching. Oedema. Felon. Naevi. Secondary syphilis. Increased ability to exercise his muscles, without fatigue, regardless of most excessive heat of summer or cold of winter. Numbness; of the part not lain on; in brain diseases, spinal affections. Calcareous degeneration. Naevus, flat. Suffering if the call for evacuation is not immediately attended to. Dropsy; with numbness or without. Goitre. Patient is compelled to move about energetically. Hob-nailed liver of alcoholics.Goitre Early decay of teeth. Old cases of nightly fevers, coming on periodically. Is less affected by excessive heat in summer or cold in winter. Sensation as of a cold wind blowing under lids, even in warm room; as of air passing down from shoulder-joint to fingers. Numbness of limbs even when not lain on. Teeth are deficient in enamel; black, rough, unsightly-looking. Increased sensitiveness of vision and hearing. Old cicatrices become redder and itch. Small red spots here and there, < by warmth, > in cool place. Red blotches on body which tend to desquamate. Nails grow rapidly.
Abscess. Alcoholism. Alopecia. Apoplexy. Bone, affections of. Brain, atrophy of. Cicatrix. Coccygodynia. Decubitus. Dropsies. Eyes, affections of. Fistula. Gleet. Goitre. Gonorrhoea. Haemorrhoids. Hair, falling out. Hands, perspiring. Headache. Hydrocele. Liver, induration of. Locomotor ataxy. Naevus. Nose, inflammation of. Nymphomania. Otorrhoea. Peritonitis. Perspiration. Pityriasis. Satyriasis. Splenalgia. Suppuration. Syphilis. Teeth, defective. Toothache. Tongue, ulceration of. Varicosis. Veins, diseased. Whitlow. Ulcers
Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR
Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.
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