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Dr. Reckeweg Ammonium Muriaticum30 CH (11 ml)

Dr. Reckeweg Ammonium Muriaticum 30 CH (11 ml)

Constipation, Cough, Ear Pain, Sciatica, Coryza, Piles & Leucorrhoea


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                   Drops

Common Name:  Sal Ammoniac

It affects MUCOUS MEMBRANES increasing the secretion and retaining them esp. in CHEST and gall ducts. It causes irregular circulation, blood seems to be in constant turmoil, causing ebullitions, burnings and localized throbbing. Many group of symptoms; are accompanied by cough or PROFUSE GLAIRY mucus discharges; with liver trouble. A state of prostration bordering on a typhoid state is produced by this remedy.  It is especially adapted to fat and sluggish patients who have respiratory troubles. Coughs associated with catarrhs and affections of liver. A tendency to irregular circulation, blood seems to be in constant turmoil, pulsations, etc. Many groups of symptoms are accompanied by cough, profuse glairy secretions. Its periods of aggravations are peculiarly divided as to the bodily region affected; thus the head and chest symptoms are worse mornings, the abdominal in the afternoon, the pains in the limbs, the skin and febrile symptoms, in the evenings. "Boiling" sensation. Tension and tightness, as if the muscles or tendons are too short; in groins, hamstrings, lumbar region etc. It causes ulceration and ulcerative or festering pain. Neuralgic pains in the stumps of amputated limbs. Haemorrhages. Boiling sensation. It is adapted to patients who are fat, puffy and sluggish, with thin limbs, who always feel tired and sore. Effects of grief.

Anosmia. Bronchitis. Constipation. Coryza. Cough. Diarrhœa. Eyes, inflammation of. Feet, pains in. Glands, enlarged. Haemorrhoids. Liver affections of. Melancholia. Menstruation, disorders during. Pneumonia. Sciatica. Scurvy. Spleen, pains in. Sprains. Stumps, neuralgia in. Tonsils, swelling of. Ulcers. Haemorrhoids. Leucorrhoea. Menstrual Disorder.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Body large & fat but legs too thin
  • Diarrhoea & Vomiting even bloody discharge from the bowels during menses
  • Leucorrhoea like white of an egg preceded by gripping pain about the navel, brown, slimy, painless, after every urination
  • Crumbling from the verge of anus. Hard crumbling stools require great effort in expulsion
  • Coryza: Discharge is thin, watery & acrid corroding the inside of the nostrils & the upper lip
  • Sensation of coldness in the back between scapula
  • During menses: diarrhoea and vomiting, bloody discharge from the bowels, neuralgic pain in feet, flow more profuse at night.
  • Obstinate constipation accompanied by flatus
  • Tension in the joints as from shortening of the muscles, Contraction of hamstring tendons.
  • Sciatica (left) worse sitting, better lying. Ulcerative pain in fingertips. Pain in or ulcer on heel. Pain in feet during menses. 
  • Piles especially after suppressed leucorrhoea; burning & stinging in the rectum for hours after stool
  • Offensive sweat on feet


  • Worse: head and chest symptoms in the morning; abdominal symptoms in the afternoon, Chronic sprains. Walking erect. Periodically. Night from 2 to 4 a.m.
  • Better:Open air. Rapid motion; walking crooked.

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