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Dr. Reckeweg Amyl Nitrosum30 CH (11 ml)

Dr. Reckeweg Amyl Nitrosum 30 CH (11 ml)

Tremors, Convulsions, Hot Flushes, Hiccups & Sea-Sickness


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Useful in

Form:         Drops

 Vasomotor nerves are affected by Amy.Nit causing dilatation of all arterioles and capillaries, thereby flushing of face, heat and throbbing in the head are produced. Flushing heats, followed by drenching sweats (unilateral) are marked symptoms. Cerebral vessels dilate. Exophthalmic goitre, from grief. Unconsciousness, with inability to swallow. Throbbing, esp. in head. Weak, emaciated, walking with tottering gait, inclined to go to one side when walking. Cannot sit still.  Palpitation of the heart and similar conditions are readily cured by it, especially the flushings and other discomforts at climacteric. Hiccough & sneezing Often relieves temporarily epileptic convulsions. Seasickness.

Angina Pectorid, Blushing, Convulsions, Epilepsy, Climetric- ailments of, Flushings, Headache, Heart-affection of, Sea-sickness, Sunstroke, Chorea, Exophthalmos, Hysteria.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Nervous, sensitive, plethoric women, during or after menopause.
  • Flushing start from face, stomach, various parts of the body followed by often profuse hot sweatings & prostrations
  • Intense surging of blood to face & head
  • Face flushes at the slight emotion
  • Craves fresh air, patient opens clothing, removes bed covering & opens windows in the coldest weather
  • Constant stretching for hours, impossible to satisfy the desire & call for help to stretch
  • Profound & repeated stretching
  • Collar seems too tight, must loosen it.
  • In chorea every muscle in the body seems in Motion.
  • Climacteric flushings; with headache, anxiety and palpitation.
  • Convulsions immediately after delivery.
  • Succession of spasms, coming more and more rapidly, till, finally, no sooner does one end than another begins.
  • Puerperal convulsions immediately after delivery
  • Angina Pectoris: Tumultous heart action, intense throbbing of heart & carotids Craves fresh air.
  • Climacteric headache and flushes of heat, with anxiety and palpitation.


  • Worse: Emotions. Heat. Close room. Climacteric. Slightest cause
  • Better: Open air, exercise, in. Cold water.

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