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Dr. Reckeweg Aurum Metallicum30 CH (11 ml)

Dr. Reckeweg Aurum Metallicum 30 CH (11 ml)

Heart Affections, Menstrual Trouble, Mental Affections, Sucidal Thoughts, Oversensitive, & Headache


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Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                   Drops

Common Name:  Gold

It makes a profound impression on the MIND, producing acute mental depression, hopelessness and loss of love of life. Despondent, and great desire to commit suicide. Every opportunity is sought for self-destruction. Glands swollen in scrofulous subjects. Palpitation and congestions. Ascites often in conjunction with heart affections. Frequently indicated in secondary syphilis and effects of mercury.   CIRCULATION IS DISTURBED; all the blood seems to rush from head to lower limbs. Orgasms, as if blood were boiling in all the veins. Erratic ebullitions. Venous congestion more to head and chest. Caries of bones esp. of nose; palatine and mastoid. Bone pains are boring and cutting. Pains wander, impelling motion, finally attack heart. Indurations and glandular swellings. Exostosis, osteitis, Sclerosis of arteries; coronary, liver, brain. Extremely violent symptoms. Mercuric syphilitic dyscrasia. Chronicity of complaints. Heart feels loose on walking. As of air blowing on part. It is adapted to nervous, hysterical women; girls at puberty; pining boys; old people with heart disease; to persons who are low-spirited, lifeless, weak memory; yet sensitive to pain; which drives them to despair. Ill effects of grief, fright, anger, disappointed love, contradiction, reserved displeasure. Prolonged anxiety; unusual responsibility. Loss of property. Hopeless with heart disease; hopeful with lung disease. Cancerous ulcers. Necrosis. Dropsy.   When syphilis is implanted on the scrofulous constitution, we have one of the most intractable morbid conditions, and gold seems to be especially suited to the vile combination. Ennui. Ozæna; sexual hyperæsthesia. Arterio-sclerosis, high blood pressure; nightly paroxysms of pain behind sternum. 

Alcohol, effects of. Amenorrhoea. Angina pectoris. Asthma. Bone affections. Breath, offensive. Corpulency. Depression. Ears, affections of. Erethism. Erysipelas. Eye, affections of. Fevers. Gonorrhoea. Haemorrhages. Haemorrhoids. Hemiopia. Hydrocele. Jaundice. Leucorrhoea. Locomotor ataxy. Melancholy. Melanosis. Mercurial poisoning. Naso-pharyngeal catarrh. Night terrors. Ozoena. Paralysis. Phthisis. Pining boys. Scrofula. Smell, disordered. Syphilis. Testicles, affections of; undeveloped. Tongue, nodules on. Tumours. Uterus, induration of. Vertigo. Vision, disordered. Glandular affections. Heart affections

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Sanguine, ruddy people with black hair and eyes, lively, restless, anxious about the future.
  • Old people, weak vision, corpulent, tired of life
  • For constitutions broken down by bad effects of mercury and syphilis
  • Pinning boys, low spirited, lifeless, weak memories, lacking in boyish go; testes under developed, mere pendent shreds.
  • Constantly dwelling on sucide.
  • Ailments from fright, anger, contradictions, mortification, vexation, dread or reserved displeasure
  • Headache of people with dark olive-brown complexion, sad gloomy, taciturn, disposed to constipation, from least mental excitment.
  • Falling of hair especially in syphilis and mercurial affections.
  • Hemiopia, sees only the lower half.
  • Syphilitic and mercurial affections of the bone.
  • Feeling of self-condemnation and utter worthlessness. Profound despondency, with increased blood pressure, with thorough disgust of life, and thoughts of suicide. Talks of committing suicide. Great fear of death
  • Foul breath in girls at puberty.
  • Hurried & worried, uneasy & restless
  • Oversensitive to least contradiction excites wrath, pain, smell, taste, hearing, touch
  • Uterus prolapsed and indurated, the weight of it causes prolapse.
  • Perspiration in the morning hours, mostly on and around the genitals
  • Vertigo: when stooping, as if turning in a circle, better on rising, as if drunk when walking in open air, feels as if he would fall to left, must lie down, even then for some time it returns on slightest motion.
  • Running from the nose of a fetid greenish-yellow matter, Stoppage of the nose, Fluent coryza 
  • Ulcers in the gums, with swelling of the cheeks
  • Fetid smell of the mouth, like rotten cheese. Tongue coated, dry, ulcerated 
  • Caries of nasal palatine and mastoid bones, ozena, otorrhoea, excessively foetid discharge, pains worse at night, drive to despair, of mercurial or syphilitic origin.
  • Menstrual and uterine affections with great melancholy worse at menstrual period.
  • Tonsils swollen and ulcerated. Stinging soreness in throat only when swallowing
  • Swelling of the testes, with aching pain on touching and rubbing.Hydrocele 
  • Sensation as if the heart stopped beating for two or three seconds, immediately followed by a tumultuous rebound, with sinking at the epigastrium. Palpitation. Pulse rapid, feeble, irregular. Hypertrophy. High Blood Pressure-Valvular lesions of arterio-sclerotic nature 
  • Violent palpitation, anxiety with congestion of blood to head and chest after exertion, pulse small, feeble, rapid irregular, visible beeting of carotids and temporal arteries.
  • Fatty degeneration of heart.
  • Roaring in head. Vertigo. Tearing through brain to forehead.


  • Worse: in cold weather when getting cold. Many complaints come on only in winter; from sunset to sunrise.
  • Better: Cool; Open air. Cold bathing Becoming warm. Music. Walking. Moonlight.

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