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Dr. Reckeweg Cactus Grandiflorus 1X (Q) (20 ml)

Dr. Reckeweg Cactus Grandiflorus 1X (Q) (20 ml)

Chest complaints, Constriction, congestion, Angina, Haemorrhages


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Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                   Drops

Common Name:  Night-blooming cereus

Family:                 Cactaceae

Chief action of Cactus centres around the HEART and CIRCULATION. It affects the circular muscles, thereby producing CONSTRICTIONS; of the heart, throat, chest, bladder, rectum, vagina, neck. Circulation becomes irregular, causing violent congestion or localized pulsations, behind stomach, at odd places. It is a HAEMORRHAGIC remedy, favours formation of clots speedily. Constrictive or spasmodic pains, that extorts cries. In Cactus, Periodicity is marked, and neuralgic pains occur periodically. Body feels tight or wrapped. Hot gushing into chest. Toxic goitre, with cardiac symptoms. General weakness and prostration. Fainting. Dropsical affections. Ill effects of sun, damp, disappointment in love. Many complaints are associated with heart affections. Pulseless, panting and prostration. Low blood pressure, from weakness of heart. The mental symptoms produced correspond to those found when there are heart affections, sadness, and melancholy. Atheromatous arteries and weak heart. Congestions; irregular distribution of blood. Favors formation of clots speedily. Great periodicity. Cactus is pulseless, panting and prostrated.

Aneurism. Angina pectoris. Apoplexy. Arteries, atheroma of. Asthma. Bladder, paralysis of. Brain, congestion of. Bronchitis. Diaphragm, rheumatism of. Dropsies. Ear, inflammation of. Fistula. Goitre, exophthalmic. Haematuria. Haemorrhages. Headache. Heart, affections of; hypertrophy of. Indigestion. Intermittent fevers. Lungs, haemorrhage from. Melancholy. Menstruation, painful. Miliaria. Neuralgia. Otitis. Ovaritis. Pneumonia. Prostate, affections of. Rheumatism. Sun, effects of. Sunstroke. Traumatic fever. Vaginismus.

Take 15 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician

  • Constriction, Contraction & congestion of any organ in the body especially heart, uterus, throat, chest, bladder, rectum etc
  • The whole body feels as if caged & each wire is being twisted tighter & tighter.
  • Headache pressing lie a heavy weight on vertex
  • Headache and neuralgia, congestive, periodic, right-sided, severe, throbbing, pulsating pain.
  • Oppression of chest, as from a great weight, as if an iron band prevented normal breathing & motion
  • Heart feels, as if clasped & unclasped by iron hand, as if bound & it has no room to beat
  • Sensation of a cord tightly tied around lower part of chest, marking attachment of diaphragm
  • Fluttering palpitation day & night, worse when walking & lying on left side & at approach of menses
  • Haemorrhage from nose, lungs, stomach, rectum, bladder etc
  • Palpitation day and night, worse when walking and lying on left side, at approach of menses.
  • Pains everywhere, darting, springing like chain lightning and ending with a sharp, vise-like grip again to be again renewed.
  • Vertigo on deep breathing
  • Dreams of falling down during sleep
  • Fear of death because he believes that the disease is incurable
  • Menstrual flow ceases when lying down
  • Fever paroxysms return at 11 AM & 11 pm
  • Dysponea (breathlessness) from least exertion. Pulse is quick, throbbing, tense and hard. Pains go round to axilla, back and scapula of the left side. 

  • Worse:  about noon, lying on left side; walking, going upstairs, 11 am and 11 pm. Periodically. Night. Noise. Light. Sun heat.
  • Better: open air, Pressure on vertex.

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