Bed Wetting, Sore Throat, Cough, Warts, Crippled Nails, Ulcers, Paralysis & Burns
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Common Name: Hahnemann's Tinctura acris sine Kali
It is a great polychrest remedy, acting upon NERVES, motor and sensory and on MUSCLES voluntary and involuntary; of BLADDER, larynx and limbs. Weakness; progressive; loss of muscular strength, causing increasing uncertainty of control over the muscles, finally ending in PARALYSIS; of single organs or parts. Paralysis; from exposure to cold; post-diphtheritic; from lead. Chronic rheumatic affections cause contraction of tendons and deformities about the joints. Pains are tearing, drawing, burning, of the part grasped by hand. Soreness, rawness. Trembling, convulsions, chorea, in nervous girls worse during menses. Sympathetic jerkings, twitching, startings and restlessness are other characteristic symptoms. Cramps here and there. Emaciation; due to disease, fright, worry, grief, and of long lasting illness. Children are slow in learning to talk and walk. Anaesthesia. Epilepsy, runs in circle, then falls down; at puberty. Patient is susceptible to both cold and heat. Joints stiff. It is adapted to broken down, worn out senile persons or to dark complexioned rigid fibered persons. Restlessness at night, esp. the legs are constantly on the go. Ill effects of burns and scalds, fright, grief, worry, sorrow, night watching. Ulcers maltreated with lead. Cold water tones the paralysis. Fissures; from least provocation, about wings of nose, lips, anus etc. Motion as of coition; chorea. Awkward at talking, chewing, walking. Mental effects; convulsions, from suppressed eruptions. As if cold water was running from clavicle down to toes. Broken down seniles. In catarrhal affections of the air passages, and seems to choose preferably dark-complexioned and rigid-fibered persons. This weakness progresses until we have gradually appearing paralysis. Local paralysis, vocal cords, muscles of deglutition, of tongue, eyelids, face, bladder and extremities. The skin of a Causticum person is of a dirty white sallow, with warts, especially on the face.
Acne rosacea. Agalactia. Amaurosis. Apoplexy. Arthritis deformans. Bladder, affections of. Bronchitis. Burns. Cataract. Chorea. Coccygodynia. Constipation. Convulsions. Cough. Deafness. Dentition. Diphtheritic paralysis. Ears, otorrhoea. Emaciation. Enuresis. Epilepsy. Eyes, affections of. Facial paralysis. Fistula. Fistula dentalis. Goitre. Haemorrhoids. Headache. Heart affections. Heel, blistered. Herpes zoster. Hip disease. Hydrogenoid constitution. Impotence. Influenza. Intermittent fever. Intertrigo. Laryngitis. Lead poisoning. Leucorrhoea. Locomotor ataxy. Meniere's disease. Menstruation, disorders of. Myalgia. Nails, crippled. Neuralgia. Nose, crusts in; acne on. Paralysis. Pemphigus. Pregnancy. Prostatitis. Ptosis. Rheumatism. Scabies. Scrofula. Skin, eruptions of. Small-pox. Stammering. Syphilis. Tendons, contracted. Throat, affections of. Tongue, affections of; paralysis of. Ulcers. Urethritis. Urine, disordered. Varicose veins. Voice, lost. Warts. Whooping-cough. Haemorrhoids.
Take 15 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician
Worse: dry, cold winds, in clear fine weather, cold air; from motion of carriage, on becoming cold, from getting wet or bathing.
Better: in damp, wet weather; warmth. Heat of bed
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