Energy and Improves Vitality, Prostatitis, Physical Strength and Stamina,
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Common Name: Turnera
Said to be of use in sexual neurasthenia; impotency. Sexual debility. Nervous prostratlon. Incontinence in old people. Chronic prostatic discharge. Renal and inflammation of mucous membrane; failure to respond sexual stimulant in females. Aids the establishment of normal menstrual flow in young girls. Sexual debility. Involuntary ejaculation.
Amenorrhoea. Dysmenorrhoea. Fatigue. Impotence. Leucorrhoea. Migraine. Prostate, affections of. Spermatorrhoea. Sterility. Urine, incontinence of.
Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR
Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.
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