Palpitations, Irregular Pulse, Constriction in Throat & White Stool
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Common Name: Bitter Candytuft
This remedy has a marked action on the heart; and is useful in cardiac diseases. Cardiac hypertrophy, with thickening of heart walls. Cardiac debility after influenza. Liver region full and painful. Palpitation; with vertigo and choking in the throat; worse slightest exertion, laughing, coughing. Darting pains through heart. Numbness and tingling in left hand and arm. Suitable to those with a state of nervous excitement. Helpful in diseases of the heart. Sensitive liver. Stools of a white colour
Asthma. Bronchitis. Dropsy. Heart, affections of; conscious action of; influenza heart.
Take 15 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician
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