Glandular Swelling, Hydrocele, Joint pains, Emaciation, Pimple & Pneumonia
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Common Name: Iodine
Iodine has great absorbent action, which is rapid and intense; muscles, fat, tissues and glands waste away and general emaciation is the result. GLANDS; THYROID, testes, mesenteric and mammary, first get SWOLLEN, HARD and heavy, then begin to dwindle. New growths and hyperplasias come under its action when their growth is rapid. Trembling of limbs or whole body. Weak and rapidly losing flesh; even with a good appetite. FEELS ALWAYS Too HOT. Great debility, the slightest effort induces perspiration; cannot talk, becomes out of breath going up stairs. Acute exacerbations of chronic inflammation. Arthritic deformans with swollen joints; after acute attack of rheumatism. Secretions are hot, acrid or watery, persistent or salty. ACUTE CATARRH of THE MUCOUS MEMBRANES esp. LARYNX and lungs, pneumonia with rapid extension. Vasoconstriction, causing oedema, ecchymoses, haemorrhages. Vascular degeneration. Atrophy or induration of testes, ovaries, uterus. Wasting diseases of scrofulous patients. Adenoids. Goitre. Pancreatic diseases. Arthritic affections. Tuberculosis. Affections of connective tissue, with torpidity and little pus. General pulsations or local throbbings in large arterial tracks. Burning. Infiltration. Internal tickling. Ill effects of nervous shock, disappointed love. Plastic exudation. Facial paralysis or epilepsy, from suppression of goitre. Emaciation, with glandular enlargement. Only feels well while eating; in any diseased condition. Sluggish reaction, hence chronicity of many affections. Suitable to over-grown boys, with weak chest and aged persons.
Appetite, disordered. Atrophy. Brain, atrophy of. Breasts, affections of. Cancer. Chilblains. Chyluria. Constipation. Consumption. Coryza. Cough. Croup. Debility. Diabetes. Diarrhoea. Diphtheria. Emaciation. Enteric fever. Galactorrhoea. Goitre Haemorrhoids. Headaches. Heart, hypertrophy of; affections of. Hiccough. Hydrocephalus. Iritis. Jaundice. Joints, affections of. Lactation, disordered. Laryngitis Leucorrhoea. Liver, affections of. Lymphatic swellings. Melancholia. Mollities ossium. Ovaries, affections of; dropsy of. Ozaena. Prostate gland, enlarged. Rheumatic gout. Rheumatism. Salivation. Scars. Seborrhoea. Sterility. Syphilis. Tabes mesenterica. Throat, affections of. Uterus, affections of. Voice, affections of. Vomiting. Worms.
Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR
Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.
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