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Dr. Reckeweg Lachesis30 CH (11 ml)

Dr. Reckeweg Lachesis 30 CH (11 ml)

Circulatory Trouble, Headache, Anxiety, Restless, Tremors,Piles, Ulcer, Menopause & Loquacity


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                   Drops

Common Name: Surukuku snake poison

Family:                 Ophidia

 it decomposes BLOOD; affects the HEART AND CIRCULATION. NERVES become very sensitive esp. CUTANEOUS and VASO-MOTOR. Excessive sensitiveness of the surface with intolerance of touch or constriction; intense nervous irritability, restless, tossing, moving. Symptoms appear on LEFT SIDE; then go to right THROAT, OVARIES, GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. Intensively rapid onset of the disease with great prostration. Malignant or septic states; diphtheria; gangrene, diabetic; traumatic; senile; carbuncle, erysipelas come under its influence. HAEMORRHAGES; are thin, containing dark particles like charred straw; vicarious, nosebleed, bloody urine etc. Small wounds bleed much. Blueness; of the affected parts; of hands. Discharges; acrid, OFFENSIVE. ASCENDING SENSATIONS; in throat; chills. FLUSHES OF HEAT; rushes of blood. Sensation of a LUMP, in throat, abdomen, liver, rectum, etc., rolls about in bladder. EXCESSIVE PAINFULNESS; of throat; ulcers; spots on body. Sensation of constriction; in throat; on head_as if a skullcap; of anus; drawing; vertex to jaws; in rectum etc. Great physical and mental weakness. Trembling; of the whole body; of hands, tongue etc. Hard throbbing, or hammering pains. Neuralgic pains change locality with palpitation. Epilepsy; comes on during sleep; from jealousy; onanism; loss of fluids. Left sided paralysis; after apoplexy; or cerebral exhaustion. Fainting; with pain in heart, nausea, pale face, vertigo. Chorea, from piercing ears. Awkward gait; left side weak. Dropsy; from liver and spleen diseases; after scarlatina. Cellulitis; with burning and blue colour of the skin. Purpura. Bubonic plague. Cancer. Diphtheritic paralysis; and other affections. Carriers of Diphtheria. Ill effects of injuries, punctured wounds. Grief, fright. Vexation; anger. Jealousy; disappointed love, masturbation; sprains (blueness of parts). Never well since climaxis. Symptoms develop in sleep and the patient wakes up from symptoms; at any time day and night. Hysteria. Catalepsy. As of thread drawing the part or spreading over.

Albuminuria. Alcoholism. Amblyopia. Aneurism. Apoplexy. Appendicitis. Asthenopia. Asthma. Atheroma. Bedsores. Boils. Bubo. C?cum, inflammation of. Carbuncle. Catalepsy. Chancre. Change of life. Chilblains. Ciliary neuralgia. Cough. Cyanosis. Delirium tremens. Diphtheria. Dog-bite. Dropsy. Dyspepsia. Ears, polypus of; wax in; noises in. Enteric fever. Epilepsy. Erysipelas. Eyes, affections of; haemorrhage into. Fainting. Fistula lachrymalis. Flatulence. Fungus hematodes. Gall-stones. Gangrene. Glanders. Gums, bleeding of. Haemorrhages. Haemorrhoids. Hay fever. Headache. Heart, affections of. Heartburn. Hemiplegia. Hernia. Herpes facialis. Hoarseness. Hydrophobia. Hysteria. Injuries. Intermittent fever. Jaundice. Labour, pains after. Laryngismus. Laryngitis. Leprosy. Liver, affections of. Locomotor ataxy. Malignant pustule. Measles. Ménire's disease. Mercury, effects of. Mind, affections of. Morvan's disease. Mouth, sore. Mumps. Neuralgia. Neurasthenia. Noises in ears. Nymphomania. edema of lungs. Otorrhoea. Ovaries, affections of. Paralysis. Paraphimosis. Perityphilitis. Perspiration, bloody; absent. Phlegmasia alba dolens. Plague. Pneumonia. Puerperal fever and convulsions. Purpura. Pyaemia. Quinsy. Rabies. Scarlatina. Sciatica. Scurvy. Small-pox. Stings. Strangury. Syphilis. Throat, sore. Trachea, affections of. Traumatic fever. Tumours. Ulcers. Veins, varicose. Vertigo. Vicarious menstruation (nosebleed). Warts. Whitlow. Wounds.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Persons of a melancholy temperament, dark eyes, and a disposition to low spirits and indolence.

  • Women of choleric temperament, with freckles and red hair.

  • Better adapted to think and emaciated than to fleshy persons; to those who have been changed, both mentally and physically, by their illness. 

  • Climacteric ailments: haemorrhoids haemorrhages; hot flushes and hot perspiration; burning vertex headache, especially at or after the menopause 

  • Ailments from long lasting grief; sorrow, fright, vexation, jealousy or disappointed love

  • Women who have not recovered from the change of life, "have never felt well since that time."

  • Left side principally affected; diseases begin on the left and go the right side - left ovary, testicle, chest. 

  • Great sensitiveness to touch; throat, stomach, abdomen; cannot bear bed-clothes or night-dress to touch throat or abdomen, no because sore or tender, clothes cause an uneasiness, make her nervous.

  • Intolerance of tight bands about neck or waist. Extremes of heat and cold cause great debility.

  • Drunkards with congestive headaches and haemorrhoids; prone to erysipelas or apoplexy.

  • Headache: pressing or bursting pain in temples worse from motion, pressure, stooping, lying, after sleep; dreads to go to sleep because she awakens with such a headache.

  • Rush of blood to head; after alcohol; mental emotions; suppressed or irregular menses; at climaxis; left-sided apoplexy.

  • Weight and pressure on vertex; like lead, in occiput.

  • All symptoms, especially the mental, worse after sleep, or the aggravation wakes him from sleep; sleeps into the aggravation; unhappy, distressed, anxious, sad worse in morning on waking.

  • Mental excitability; ecstacy, with almost prophetic perceptions; with a vivid imagination; great loquacity; want to talk all the time; jumps from one idea to another; one word often leads into another story.

  • Constipation: inactivity, stools lies in rectum, without urging; sensation of constriction of sphincter

  • Menses at regular time; too short, scanty, feeble; pains all relieved by the flow; always better during menses. Menses at regular time; too short, scanty, feeble; pains all relieved by the flow; always better during menses

  • Piles: with scanty menses; at climaxis; strangulated; with stitches shooting upward

  • The least thing coming near mouth or nose interferes with breathing; wants to be fanned, but slowly and at a distance

  • As soon as he falls asleep the breathing stops

  • Great physical and mental exhaustion; trembling in whole body, would constantly sink down from weakness; worse in the morning

  • Epilepsy; comes during sleep; from loss of vital fluids; onanism, jealousy.

  • Haemorrhagic diathesis; small wounds bleed easily and profusely; blood dark, non-coagulable

  • Boils, carbuncles, ulcers and intense pain; malignant pustules; decubitus; dark, bluish, purple appearance; tend to malignancy.

  • Bad effects of poison wounds; post-mortem

  • Sensation as of a ball rolling in the bladder.

  • Fever annually returning; paroxysm every spring, after suppression by quinine the previous autumn.

  • Fever: typhoid, typhus; stupor or muttering delirium, sunken countenance, falling of lower jaw; tongue dry, black, trembles, is protruded with difficulty or catches on the teeth when protruding; conjunctiva yellow or orange color; perspiration cold, stains yellow, bloody.

  • Diphtheria and tonsillitis, beginning on the left and extending to right side; dark purple appearance; worse by hot drinks, after sleep; liquids more painful than solids when swallowing; prostration out of all proportion to appearance of throat.

  • Complaints during menopause with anxiety, palpitation, flashes of heat, haemorrhages, headaches and dizziness. Too short and too feeble menstrual flow. 
  • Left ovary very painful and swollen, indurated.


  • Worse: after sleep, during sleep, left side, in spring, warm bath, pressure or constriction and hot drinks.
  • Better: from discharges and warm applications.

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