Glandular Swelling, Skin Ulcer, Vertigo, Bone Pain, Bad Breath, Tremor, Apthae, Dysentry, Pneumonia & Leucorrhoea
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Common Name: Soluble Mercury
Mercurius affects more or less every organ and tissue of the body; Blood decomposes producing profound anaemia; LYMPHATIC GLANDS are enlarged, glandular activity esp. of SALIVARY AND MUCOUS GLANDS increases. SECRETIONS ARE FREE; thin; slimy, acrid, burning, foul or thick greenish-yellow. Ulcerations; of the mucous membranes esp. of mouth and throat. Manifestations of hereditary syphilis; bullae; abscesses, marasmus; snuffles or destructive inflammations of bones, cellular tissues; joints come under its range. Patient suffers from great variety of symptoms; he is uncertain in his mental and physical behaviour; tremulous, weak and sweaty. Swellings oedematous; continued exudations. Redness. Livid congestions. Pains stick to one point. Suppurations; pus; bloody, thin, greenish. Offensiveness; of secretions; of breath; of body. Yellowness; of eyes, teeth, nasal discharges; biliousness; jaundice. Parts are much swollen, with raw sore feeling. Sensitive to heat and cold; human barometer. Everything seems too short. Weak, exhausted and ready to sink down, worse after stools. Rheumatism. Emaciation. Salty-lips, taste, expectoration etc. Oily perspiration. Syphilis, sycosis, scrofula. Convulsions. Cataleptic rigidity of the body. Paralysis agitans; paraplegia. Contraction of joints. Ill effects of fright; suppressed gonorrhoea; foot sweat. As if body were made of sweets. Burning, stinging pains. Tremblings, twitchings, disorderly motions; of paralyzed parts. Strictures, after inflammation. Indurations. Exostoses, painful. Softening of the bones.
Abscess. Anaemia. Aphthae. Appendicitis. Balanitis. Bone, disease of. Brain, inflammation of. Breath, offensive. Bronchitis. Bubo. Cancrum oris. Catarrh. Chancre. Chicken-pox. Cold. Condylomata. Cough. Dentition, abnormal. Diarrhoea. Dysentery. Dyspepsia. Ecthyma. Eczema. Emaciation. Excoriation. Eyes, affections of; gouty inflammation of. Fainting. Fevers. Fissures. Glandular swellings. Gout. Gum-boil. Gums, unhealthy. Heart, affections of. Herpes . Hydrophobia. Jaundice. Joints, affections of. Leucorrhoea; in little girls. Liver, affections of. Lumbago. Mania. Measles. Melancholia.. Meningitis. Mollities ossium. Mucous patches. Mumps. Noises in the head. Odour, of body, offensive. Ovaries, affections of. Pancreatitis. Parametritis. Parotitis. Peritonitis. Perspiration, abnormal. Phimosis. Pregnancy, affections of. Prostate, disease of. Purpura. Pyaemia. Ranula. Rheumatism. Rickets. Rigg's disease. Salivation. Scurvy. Small-pox. Stomatitis. Suppuration. Surgical fever. Syphilis. Taste, disordered.. Teeth, affections of. Throat-deafness. Throat, soreness of. Tongue, affections of mapped. Toothache. Tremors. Typhus fever. Ulcers. Vaccination. Vomiting.
Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR
Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.
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