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Dr. Reckeweg Naphthalinum30 CH (11 ml)

Dr. Reckeweg Naphthalinum 30 CH (11 ml)

Difficult Respiration, Skin Ulcers, Sneezing & Inflammed Eyes


Available Potency/Weight :

Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
100% Secure
  • Safe Buy
  • Genuine
  • Live Easy
Useful in

Form:                   Drops

Common Name: Naphthalene

A product from coal tar has a special affinity for eyes. It produces detachment of retina, deposits an exudation in the retina. Opacity of cornea; cataract; amblyopia. Coryza, hay-fever, phthisis pulmonalis, also gonorrhoea have been influenced favorably by this drug. Pyelonephritis. Irritation of the periphery of the urinary apparatus. Whooping-cough

Albuminuria. Amblyopia. Asthma. Bronchitis. Cataract. Diarrhoea. Eczema. Flatulence. Gleet. Gonorrhoea. Hay-asthma. Phthisis. Psoriasis. Retina, detached. Typhoid fever. Whooping-cough. Worms.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Terribly offensive odor of decomposing ammoniacal urine.
  • Sneezing; eyes inflamed; painful; head hot.
  • Emphysema in the aged with asthma
  • Respiration: laboured and irregular; asthmatic. Cough in incessant paroxysms almost arresting breath.
  • Expectoration: free, thick, tenacious; almost absent
  • Fundus thickly studded with brilliant points; or, a large white patch usually at lower part of pupil, increasing in size and concealing vessels of choroid
  • Bronchitis when the spasmodic element is associated with tenacious expectoration and oppression 
  • Opacity of the cornea.
  • White patches on retina, of oxalate, sulphate, and carbonate of calcium.
  • Eruptions at corners of mouth and pigmentation around nails.
  • Profound exhausion & trembling of the muscles
  • Sensation of hot iron running throughout the system
  • Copious sweating of hands & feet with a sense of puffing & fullness

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