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Dr. Reckeweg Onosmodium Virginianum30 CH (11 ml)

Dr. Reckeweg Onosmodium Virginianum 30 CH (11 ml)

Vertigo, neuralgic pains, ovarian pains, stiff Joints, Prostate, colic, Migraine, Impotence


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Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                   Drops

Common Name: False Gromwell

Want of power of concentration and co-ordination. Vertigo, numbness and muscular prostration. Marked association of head and eye symptoms, with muscular tiredness and weariness.This remedy acts upon nerves and muscles. It causes loss of power of concentration and co-ordination; and disturbance in the sense of proportion. Aching, soreness and stiffness of muscles; after the pain. Prostration, weariness and tiredness; acts as if born tired. Seems to tread on cotton. Staggering. Neuralgic pains. Neurasthenia; sexual; from loss of sexual desire in both sexes.

Amblyopia. Bladder, irritation of. Breasts, affections of; atrophy of. Colour-blindness. Debility. Diarrhoea. Diplopia. Eyes, affections of. Headache. Locomotor ataxy. Meniere's disease. Neurasthenia. Nose, dryness of. Paralysis. Pregnancy, sickness of. Presbyopia. Seminal emissions. Sexual atony, desire lost. Spine, congestion of. Throat, sore; dry. Urethra, irritation of. Uterus; cramps in; prolapse of.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Pain in the breast and heart, swelling and soreness with rapid and irregular throbbing is looked after.
  • Vision blurred; optic disc hyperaemic, and retinal vessels enlarged.
  • Severe dryness, releases from the nostrils, scraping and stuffed feeling in the nose with symptoms worsening by cold drinks.
  • Pain in dorsal and lumbar regions. Numbness and tingling in feet and legs.
  • Vertigo and sensations of numbness and general muscular prostration Vertigo, with headache; worse lying on left side; raising the hands above the head.
  • Occipital headache as if screwed; worse eye-strain and lying down. Pain up and down from occiput (left) to shoulder worse exertion.
  • Migraine. Headache from eye strain and sexual weakness worse dark. 
  • Neuralgic pains, of a dull, heavy aching character, and affect cervical and spinal nerves and pelvic organ
  • Dryness of nose, of mouth, of throat.
  • Soreness and stiffness of Joints, muscles and body parts.
  • Urination; frequent, scanty. Aromatic urine
  • Uterine pains better undressing and lying on back. Soreness of ovaries with rectum. Feels as if menses would appear.
  • Leucorrhoea; excoriating yellowish, offensive, profuse, running down the legs. 
  • Male: Loss of sexual desire. Psychical impotence. Speedy emission, deficient erections. Sexual excitement. Constant severe erections.


  • Worse: Sprains. EYE-STRAINS. Sexual excess. Darkness. Tight clothing. Warm. Humid air. Jarring.
  • Better: Rest. Sleep. Eating. Cold drinks. Undressing.

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