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Dr. Reckeweg Opium30 CH (11 ml)

Dr. Reckeweg Opium 30 CH (11 ml)

Snoring, Convulsions Sleep, Sleeplessness, Enlarged Vein, Feet Swollen, Constipation & Delirium


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Generally delivered in 3 - 7 days
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Form:                   Drops

Common Name: Poppy

Family:                Papaveraceae

It affects the NERVES; MIND AND SENSES, producing insensibility of nerves; PAINLESSNESS, depression; drowsy stupor, torpidity and general sluggishness of function and lack of vital reaction; a kind of negative state. Excretions, except of skin are checked. Voluntary motions are lessened. Loss of power; of concentration; self control, and judgement. Paralysis; painless; of brain, tongue, bowels etc. Tremors; twitchings; jerking during sleep. Convulsions; worse heat; of room or bath. Bed seems hot; hunts a cold place. Hot; sweat; hand. Stupid sleep; accompanies all complaints; during spasms; violent chill etc. Epilepsy; in sleep; from approach of strangers (children); from fright; worse glare of light; from anger; insult. Throws limbs or stretches arms at right angle to the body; stupor between spasms. Want of susceptibility to medicines even though indicated. Faints every fifteen minutes. Sensation of bodily well being; great happiness. Painless ulcers. Suppuration. Dropsical swelling of the whole body. Internal dryness. Ill effects of fear, fright, anger, shame, sudden joy; charcoal fumes, sun. Complaints appear with sweat. Complete idiocy from masturbation.

After-pains. Apoplexy. Bladder, paralysis of. Brain, affections of. Cancer. Catalepsy. Chilblains. Colic. Constipation. Diabetes mellitus. Dreams. Dysmenia. Epilepsy. Fear, effects of. Foetus, movements of, excessive. Hernia, incarcerated. Hystero-epilepsy. Ileus. Intestines, obstruction of. Labour pains, abnormal. Lead colic. Marasmus. Measles. Melancholia. Meningitis. Paralysis. Puerperal convulsions. Sighing. Sleep, abnormal. Snoring. Starting. Sunstroke. Tympanitis. Uraemia. Urine, suppression of; retention of. Uterus, inertia of. Veins, fulness of. Whooping-cough.

Take 5 drops in half cup of water 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician OR

Medicate the globules and take 4-6 globules 3 times a day or as prescribed by the physician.

  • Especially adapted to children and old people; diseases of first and second childhood persons with light hair, lax muscles, and want of bodily irritability.
  • Want of susceptability to remedies; lack of vital reaction, the well chosen remedy makes no impression
  • Ailments: with insensibility and partial or complete paralysis; that originate from fright, bad effects of, the fear still remaining; from charcoal vapors; from inhaling gas; of drunkards.
  • All complaints; with great sopor; painless, complains of nothing; wants nothing.
  • Spasms: of children, from approach of strangers; from nursing after fright of mother; from crying; eyes half open and upturned. Screaming before or during a spasm
  • Deep stetorous respiration both on inhalation and exhalation.
  • Delirium, constantly talking; eyes wide open, face red, puffed; or unconscious, eyes glassy, half-closed, face pale, deep coma; preceded by stupor.
  • Thinks she is not at home, this is continually in her mind. Picking of bed clothes during sleep.
  • Delirium tremens: in old emaciated persons; bloated face, stupor, eyes burning, hot, dry; with loud snoring.
  • Sleep: heavy, stupid; with stetorous breathing, red, face, eyes, half-closed, blood-shot; skin covered with hot sweat; after convulsions. Sleepy, but cannot sleep, sleeplessness with acuteness of hearing, clock striking and cocks crowing at great distance keep her awake.
  • Loss of breath on falling asleep
  • Bed feels so hot she cannot lie on it; moves often in search of a cool place; must be uncovered.
  • Digestive organs inactive; peristaltic motion reversed or paralyzed; bowels seem closed.
  • Constipation: of children; of corpulent, good-natured women; from inaction or paresis, no desire; from lead poisoning; stool hard, round black balls; faeces protrude and recede
  • Stool: involuntary, especially after fright; black and offensive; from paralysis of sphincter.
  • Urine: retained, with bladder full; retention, post-partum or from excessive use of tobacco; in nursing children, after passion of nurse; in fever or acute illness; paralysis of bladder or sphincter.
  • Opium renders the intestines so sluggish that the most active purgatives lose their power. - Hering.
  • Persistent diarrhoea in those treated with large doses of the drug. - Lippe.
  • Sudden retrocession of acute exanthema results in paralysis of brain or convulsions
  • Marasmus; child with wrinkled skin, looks like a little dried up old man 
  •  Vertigo with light headedness which is worse from fright.
  • Tongue black, paralyzed bloody froth.

  • Vomiting, with colic and convulsions. Fecal vomiting.

  • Cough, with dyspnœa and blue face; with bloody expectoration.

  • Very sleepy, but cannot go to sleep. Distant noise, cocks crowing, etc, keep him awake.

  • Hot, damp, sweating, Constant desire to uncover. Hot perspiration over whole body except lower limbs.

  • Fever characterized by stupor, snoring respiration, twitching of limbs, intense thirst and sleepiness. General low temperature with inclination to stupor.


  • Worse:  heat, during and after sleep
  • Better: cold things, constant walking.

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