Relieves Palpitations, Relieves Anxiety, Pain in Heart & Sleeplessness
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Weight: 69 (gms)
Dr. Reckeweg R2 is a homeopathic formulation designed to support heart health and nervous system balance. It is beneficial for individuals experiencing palpitations, anxiety, pain in the heart, and sleeplessness due to cardiac neurosis, arrhythmia, tachycardia, and coronary insufficiencies. The carefully selected ingredients help regulate heart function, promote better circulation, and reduce nervous agitation.
Arnica: Painful sensation in the heart. Nervous heart trouble. Beating, and palpitation of the heart. Shootings in the chest and sides, with difficulty of respiration, aggravated by coughing, but breathing deeply, and by movement; better from external pressure. Pain, as of a bruise and of compression in the chest.
Aurum chloratum: Main action on: Myocardium, aorta and coronary artery. Heart oppressions and dilatations, afflux of blood to the head, precordial pains.
Cactus: Sensations of suffocation, strong pulse, oppression. Stenocardia and angina pectoris. Palpitation of the heart, day and night; < when walking, and at night, when lying on left side. Palpitation in small irregular beats (at times frequent, at others slow), from slightest excitement or deep thought, with necessity for deep inspiration.
Crataegus: Excellent tonic for heart and blood circulation. Myocardial weakness and hypotonia. Palpitation and rapid action of heart.Angina pectoris, pain above and to left of stomach. Hypertrophy from overexertion; from alcoholic, venereal and other excesses.Heart collapse in typhoid.
Digitalis: Heart tonic in case of cardiac weakness. Acceleration of the movements of the heart, with palpitations that can be heard (with slow pulse), anguish, and contraction in the sternum. Palpitation at each movement of body; slight uneasiness at heart, cold sweats.Constant pain or anguish at heart, with palpitation, < by exercise or mental emotion; at times < without apparent cause, when perfectly at rest; paroxysms accompanied by sinking sensation, face purple; fainting, believes she is dying; dizziness ringing in ears;
Ignatia: Various nervous sensations of the heart, mainly following affections of a depressing nature (anxiety restlessness). Also in general nervous irritation and sleeplessness. Difficulty of respiration, and oppression of the chest, esp. at night (after midnight). Difficult respiration, as if hindered by a weight upon the chest. Shortness of breath when walking, and cough as soon as one stands still. Anxious feeling in precordia; sinking sensation and emptiness at stomach; constriction, with anxiety and disposition to cry.
Kalium phosphoricum: General nervous exhaustion, anaemia and myocardial weakness. Conduction disturbances. Vomiting of blood, with palpitation. Palpitation from slightest motion or ascending stairs. Chest: painful; stinging in chest and sides; sore to touch; aching, left through to scapulae.
Laurocerasus: Cyanosis with myocardial insufficiency. Pressure and pain in the chest. The patient puts his hand to his heart, as if there was some trouble there; this may result from running a short distance, which puts him completely out of breath; going upstairs, walking, any exercise may bring, this on. Constriction of chest, with oppression.
Spigelia: Strong and abnormal pulsations, visible and perceivable. Pain extending down left arm. Sensation in heart as if squeezed with hand; as if crushed.-Lancinations in region of heart.-Stitches in heart, sometimes synchronous with the pulse.-Sensation of trembling in heart. The beatings of the heart do not correspond with those of the pulse. Pulse weak, irregular, trembling. Undulating movement of the heart. In affections of the heart, particularly if the whole left side is sore from the affection, and possibly the eyes also from sympathy; purring of heart as of a cat; palpitation of the heart with anguish; trembling pulsation of the heart; sympathy of the chest with heart troubles.
Valeriana: Nervous agitations, changing humour, nervous hypersensitivity. Functional affections of the heart, strong pulse, cardiac nervousness. Obstructed respiration and anguish in chest Frequent jerks and stitches in chest (with the sensation as if something were pressed out), sometimes on l. side (in region of heart) when drawing breath
According to graveness, in the beginning 3-6 times a day of 10-15 drops in some water.
In acute cardiac affections, every ¼ - ½ hour take 10-15 drops until improvement sets in or as prescribed by the physician
5.0 Out of 5 stars
5 Maheshwari Jaisaju 28 Feb 2025
very good product
5 Be with wanderer 04 Jul 2024
Effective Product
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