Excess Bleeding During Menses & Exhaustion Due to Loss of Blood
5 days; Actual time may vary depending on other items in your order
Form: Drops
Ideal For: Female
Weight: 69 (gms)
Dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea.
Conditions of exhaustion due to loss of blood.
Flushes of heat followed by perspiration.
Dull pains across the small of the back.
Acid. sulf.: Bleedings of any type, flushes of heat followed by perspiration. Exhaustion, weariness.
Crocus: Menstrual blood is dark or black, clotty. Feeling of something moving around in abdomen, without abortion. Ferrum phosph.: Acts energetically on the blood circulation, excellent in dilatation of the veins.
Hamamelis: Indicated in hemorrhage, influences especially the veins.Headaches. Dark coloured blood, sensation of pain in the affected parts. Exhaustion caused by loss of blood.
Secale cornutum: Acts mainly on the unstriped muscular fibres; congestion, distress and uterine prolapsus. Primary effect upon contraction, secondary effect produces dilatation of unstriped muscular fibres.
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